As stated in this post yesterday, this is the update that fixes compatibility for servers running 1.20.4 (1.20.4 is the lowest that I have tested this update on... Your mileage will vary when running below 1.20.4)
NOTE: To use this and any future updates to ASE, please update to Java 21.
So what does this fix?
- Fixes an issue with the Equipment Menu being unable to open due to an incorrect ItemFlag being present
How do I update to Java 21?
As posted on the ASE Discord, normally how ASE has been updated is by updating anything that breaks between builds (e.g.: from 1.20.4 to 1.20.6). Hence why, normally, this change would have been insignificant, but since most people have not upgraded to 1.20.6 yet, it has been causing issues, that I did not foresee.
Therefore I again, apologize profusely for any issues caused with the last update and understand if you have stopped or will stop or are planning to stop ASE because of it.