ArmorStandEditor 1.19.4-40
This update introduces support for 1.19.4 and adds the following:
- Check Interval for Updates: No longer every 72 hour
Code (YAML):
#Enable or Disable the Update Checker
: true
# When runTheUpdateChecker is true, we will also check every X hours
: 24
#Set this to allow your operators to get messages in game w.r.t Plugin updates
: false
- Residence Protection Support (is now why the file size has grown)
- BentoBox Protection Support
- Up to date APIs and Dependencies
This update REVERTS the following:
- Warning if you are using 1.19 - 1.19.2 because 1.19.3's Bukkit Version is now R2.
If you have any questions or Feature Requests, please post them to:
NOTE: This plugin has been tested in 1.19.3 and should work on 1.19.4/3/2/1, 1.19, 1.18, 1.17, 1.16, 1.15, 1.14 and 1.13 but please test on your own servers before trying certain features on older versions.