ArmorStandEditor 1.19-35 Changelog:
- Re-implementation of PlotSquared, WorldGuard, GriefPrevention and Towny Protections
- Permission Improvements for OP Users
- Introduction of CustomModelData Support
- 1.19 Support
- Updated Translations - Introduction of RU Support
ASE now has implemented better protection options for the following plugins
- PlotSquared
- GriefDefender and GriefPrevention
- WorldGuard
- SuperiorSkyblock
This may or may not break existing functionality but was tested and checked by Wolfieheart before release
Overhaul of permissions and introduction of permpacks. Recommendation of the permissions below:
- asedit.* for all Mods and Admins
- asedit.permpack.basic and asedit.permpack.dontIgnoreProtections for everyone else
CustomModelData Support
ASE now supports CustomModelData. If you wish to avail of this, please enable it in the config and give people the permission asedit.give in order to use this
Issues and Questions?
Please report all issues to
Questions can go to our Discord -