I decided that I wanted to make the plugin more flexible, so I rewrote the saving system. It now encodes the information into base64 rather than encode it using the encoder I wrote on my own. This has some implications:
1. You can now practically
save everything, so most likely there won't be as many nasty saving bugs like enchantment books loosing their enchants or items loosing NBT tags
2. I will be able to work even faster on the 1.8 adaptation since the main thing holding me back till now was the way items were handled back then
3. All the
save data from previous versionsisno longer supportedBUT I made sure to build in a sort of
upgrader into the plugin which means, you can just
start the server up, stop it again and just delete the old data.json (Make sure to keep a backup of the data somewhere in case there is a bug) NOTE: if you don't delete the data.json file, the plugin will always default to that, but all changes will be saved in the new system, which means,
you'll be stuck on the same save until you delete the data.json
Plans for the next few updates: 1. Item whitelist and blacklist system (requested by ZeroCoolX) 2. I'll finish up the 1.8 adaptation which should be much easier now
If you find any, please immediately report them either through discord or in the discussion, since a bug in the saving system could ruin a bunch of data