Note: This will be the LAST version to support 1.21.1.
Polish Translation
Teak's Tweaks is now available in Polish thanks to @Artugr18
To change the plugin's language, change settings.language to pl in config.yml
If you would like to translate the plugin into your own language, please contact me on Discord (here)
Update Checker
Now checks for versions that support your Minecraft Version.
No more nagging about updating, when you just can't.
Teak's Tweaks Paste
Recently, I introduced Teak's Tweak's Paste, allowing users to share their configuration, and logs easily for plugin support. Previously, this used PasteBook, now Teak's Tweaks Paste will use https://paste.teakstweaks.com
You can still opt into using PasteBook by setting settings.paste-service in config.yml to PASTEBOOK.
Teak's Tweaks Paste also now works via console.
Fixed Bugs
#140 More Iron Trapdoors use the wrong ingredient.
More Mob Heads occasionally drops multiple mob heads.