Realistic Survival [1.17+] | Hardcore Modded Experience icon

Realistic Survival [1.17+] | Hardcore Modded Experience -----

Up the difficulty level of boring vanilla Minecraft!

[​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
Inspired by RLCraft, Realistic Survival aims to enhance pure survival, adventuring and RPG, and immersion of vanilla Minecraft. It is divided into several configurable modules, each of which adds unique game mechanics, custom items, and recipes. The current modules are listed below.
  • Tough as Nails
  • Baubles
  • Spartan Weaponry
  • Spartan and Fire
  • No Tree Punching
  • Ice and Fire

Courtesy of KasaiSora





I need help installing the plugin.
First, ensure you have followed the steps in the Installation Guide correctly. Next, check if your issue has a solution in the Common Issues guide. If you are still having issues even after following both guides, join the support Discord server to receive support. If you cannot access or use Discord, you may use this plugin's discussion page to request support. However, note that you will get a slower response as Discord is a faster option for me.

I need help using the plugin. I don't know what to do.
First, review the Getting Started guide. If you still need assistance with using the plugin, join the support Discord server to ask your question.

Where can I get the latest information? When will the next update come out?
You can get the latest development news by joining the Discord server. I frequently post dev builds for the community to playtest and polls to decide on new features. If you're looking for a guide on how to play, consult the wiki.


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Tough As Nails
A temperature and thirst system that fits seamlessly into the vanilla HUD has been added. The player's temperature is based on numerous environmental factors like the daylight cycles, nearby blocks like lava and water, and their respective biome. No longer can players run through the iced spiked regions in the dead of midnight or trek through the desert at high noon. Additionally, the player's screen will change if they are in a state of dehydration, hypothermia, or hyperthermia.



Baubles, items that grant a special ability, have been added. Some are craftable, while others are obtained by killing certain mobs. Each one grants special abilities such as potion effects, extended invincibility-frames, or immunity to cactus damage (might need a nerf).


Spartan Weaponry
New weapons like the greatsword, rapier, and halberd have been added. These weapons have different abilities and traits like increased attack reach or armor penetration that provide a unique, balanced, RPG-like feel to vanilla survival.


No Tree Punching
Tired of the early game being so easy? Well, with No Tree Punching, the early game progression is more difficult and realistic. Players will no longer be able to simply punch trees and planks to get wood. They will first have to create flint tools before they can acquire wooden tools. See the Getting Started guide for more info.


Ice and Fire
Dragons and sea serpents have been added to make exploration much more dangerous. They have special breath and explosion attacks and are extremely difficult to slay. Upon death, they drop dragon bones and sea serpent scales, which are used to craft powerful armor and weapons. Note that this module is currently in development.

See the Commands page on the wiki to view information about commands in a more concise format.
() = Required
[] = Optional

/rsv give (player) (item) [amount]
  • Gives the specified player a Realistic Survival item
/rsv spawnitem (item) (amount) (x-pos) (y-pos) (z-pos) [world]
  • Summons a Realistic Survival item at the specified location
/rsv spawnitem
  • Only usable by players; summons a Realistic Survival item at the player's location
/rsv spawnmob (mob) (x-pos) (y-pos) (z-pos) [world]
  • Summons a Realistic Survival mob at the player's location
/rsv spawnmob
  • Only usable by players; summons a Realistic Survival mob at the player's location
/rsv reload
  • Reloads the settings defined in the plugin's configuration files; note that some changes may require a restart to take effect
/rsv thirst (player) (integer from 0 to 20)
  • Sets the player's thirst to the specified value
/rsv temperature (player) (integer from 0 to 25)
  • Sets the player's temperature to the specified value
/rsv resetitem
  • Resets the Realistic Survival item's meta; removes enchants, custom names, and other information depending on the corresponding base item
/rsv updateitem
  • Updates the texture and material type of the Realistic Survival item in the player's main hand
/rsv help
  • Displays a list of all commands in Realistic Survival
/rsv version
  • Displays information about the plugin and server version


See the Permissions page on the wiki to view information about permissions in a more concise format.

Permissions for commands

  • Wildcard permission that allows yo to use all plugin commands
  • Allows you to use /rsv give
  • Allows you to use /rsv spawnitem
  • Allows you to use /rsv spawnmob
  • Allows you to use /rsv reload
  • Allows you to use /rsv thirst
  • Allows you to use /rsv temperature
  • Allows you to use /rsv resetitem
  • Allows you to use /rsv updateitem
  • Allows you to use /rsv help
  • Allows you to use /rsv version
Permissions for the Ice and Fire module

  • Wildcard permission that grants immunity to all Ice and Fire visual effects
  • Prevents the player's screen from changing due to sirens
Permissions for the Tough as Nails module

  • Wildcard permission that prevents the player's temperature from changing from normal, halts thirst drain, and grants immunity to all effects from hypothermia, hyperthermia, dehydration, and parasites
  • Prevents player from taking damage from hypothermia
  • Prevents the player from receiving status effects due to hypothermia
  • Prevents player from receiving visual effects from hypothermia
  • Prevents the player from breathing out cold air*
  • Wildcard permission that prevents the player from becoming hot and grants immunity to all effects from hyperthermia
  • Prevents the player from sweating
  • Prevents player from taking damage from hyperthermia
  • Prevents the player from being ignited due to hyperthermia
  • Prevents the player from receiving status effects due to hyperthermia
  • Prevents player from receiving visual effects from hyperthermia
  • Wildcard permission that prevents the player from becoming thirsty and grants immunity to all effects from dehydration
  • Prevents player from taking damage from dehydration
  • Prevents the player from receiving status effects due to dehydration
  • Prevents the player's screen from changing due to dehydration
  • Wildcard permission that prevents the player from getting parasites and grants immunity to all effects from parasites
  • Prevents the player from taking damage from parasites
  • Prevents the player from receiving status effects due to parasites


1. Drag and drop the Realistic Survival jar file into your server's /plugins/ directory.
2. Restart your server
3. Configure the per-world settings to ensure the plugin is enabled on your desired worlds. See the customizing the install guide for more information.
4. Set Force Unicode Font to off in Language... option settings.


This plugin uses a resource pack that is automatically enabled. If your server already uses its own resource pack, you must combine the Realistic Survival resource pack with your other resource pack. The download link for the resource pack can be accessed in the support Discord server.

That's it! No other dependencies are required.

Migrating from Older Versions
To migrate from a version before 1.2.5-RELEASE, you must reset the Realistic Survival plugins folder. Any migrations from versions onward will not require a configuration file reset unless explicit instructions exist.

This means you must stop the server, completely delete the Realistic Survival plugin folder and its contents, and restart the server with the updated version. If you wish to transfer your current configuration settings, you must first move your current config files to a separate folder and then retype all the configurations manually.

Realistic Survival does collect anonymous, non-confidential server data with the help of bStats. This data collection can be configured in the config.yml.
This data helps me better understand who's using the plugin, which allows me to better cater it towards multiplayer use.



How can I download / install Realistic Survival?
To download and install Realistic Survival you can refer to this guide.

Is Realistic Survival compatible with Plugin XYZ?
There is not a set answer for each and every plugin, but Realistic Survival will not be compatible with any plugin that heavily utilizes action bars or custom resource packs.

Will Realistic Survival be available for Minecraft version XYZ?
Realistic Survival will only be available for versions 1.17 and onward. There are no plans for backporting to earlier versions.

I have an error/bug with Realistic Survival.
Ok, first, check the Common Issues page to see if your error matches any of the problems. If it does, follow the solution steps to resolve the issue.

If your issue still persists or does not match any of the common issues listed above, join my Support Server if you aren't in it already and create a thread in the forum channel #support. We must determine if it is a bug, user error, or intended behavior. Note that we do not accept bug reports on discord, only on GitHub. But experience has shown that 9 of 10 "bugs" result from outdated plugin versions, improper installation, or similar, so please discuss these issues with others on my discord server first so that developers can focus on confirmed bug reports.

Now, send the following information (in the #support channel):
1. Check your console. Are there any errors? (If so, post them via

2. What do you intend to happen, and what is happening?

Please also refer to this page for a much more in-depth guide on how to report issues.

Once you've sent all this info, a helper or I will help you. Do not ping any staff members. If some time has passed (15+ mins), you may ping only the helper role (@helper). Being impatient and pinging roles/members (especially staff) may get you warned or kicked.

Can I install Realistic Survival on a Singleplayer world?

Realistic Survival is a Bukkit / Spigot plugin, so it requires you to have a Bukkit-based Minecraft Server running. Creating such a Server is very easy, though. You will be able to find lots of tutorials online. If you want to enjoy Realistic Survival all on your own, set up a new Minecraft Server on your computer, install the plugin and connect to it using the address `localhost`. Without extra effort, your server won't be visible to others outside of your local network anyway.

How does XYZ work?

If you'd like to know how an item works, please refer to the wiki.

Note: The Wiki is still missing pages and is community ran! If you want to add content, please refer to this guide

When will the next update be released?

Updates will be released once they are ready. Please be mindful that one single person is managing and developing this entire project
so updates and bug fixes are expected to be implemented at a slow rate. I am also busy most of the time and hold other obligations outside of Realistic Survival. As such, please do not ask for dates.

Does XYZ custom mob exist?
Custom mobs such as dragons and sea serpents have been implemented. Note that they are still a heavy WIP.

You are not expected by any means to donate to the plugin. However, if you enjoy playing with Realistic Survival and want to support the project, please consider donating. Donations can be made through Patreon or PayPal .

As a bonus for donating, you'll get special perks like early access to developer builds, one-on-one support, and more!

You can also support me for free by starring my GitHub repository! GitHub rolls out new beta features first to repositories with more stars, so starring my repo is a great way to support me!

Also Check Out
If you like RLCraft-styled plugins such as Realistic Survival, you will probably also enjoy the following. Note these plugins are not made by me, but I nonetheless highly recommend them for spicing up the survival experience.
Realistic Survival uses source textures and ideas from many mods.
All credits go to the following people:
Azanor13 of Baubles

gr8pefish and BBoldt for Bauble Bag Texture
mfnalex for Best Tools Code
Cursed1nferno of Bountiful Baubles
TeamCoFH and Drullkus for Copper Tool and Armor Textures
Raptorfarian and Alexthe666 of Ice and Fire
Lycanite and Shivaxi of Lycanite's Mobs
Raptorfarian and Janivire of Spartan and Fire [1.12.2]
Kreloxcz and ChoglixVT of Spartan and Fire [1.16.5]

ObliviousSpartan of Spartan Shields
ObliviousSpartan and xwerffx of Spartan Weaponry
CreativeMD, fonnymunkey, and ariafreeze for Tint Textures
XzeroAir and sonicx8000 of Trinkets and Baubles
Tmtravlr of Quality Tools
AlcatrazEscapee of No Tree Punching

TheAdubbz of Tough As Nails
FN-FAL113 for Throwable Weapon Code
BlayTheNinth and CFGrafanaStats of Waystones
Shivaxi of RLCraft modpack

Wait!! If you're thinking of leaving a bad review, have you first tried discussing your issue with me in the Discord server? Most of the time, your issue can be solved in the server. Also, remember that the review section is NOT a place to report bugs. I am unable to help you through the review section since you can't reply back. Discuss issues and bugs with me on the Discord server.

Finally, please have some patience and understanding with bugs and missing features. There is only one person (me) developing and providing support for free for what is essentially an entire mod pack. Projects like these take lots of time and energy to maintain. Thank you for understanding.
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 48,630
First Release: Jul 1, 2021
Last Update: Jan 6, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
43 ratings
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Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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