New Placeholder and Event + Config Message Changes
Another update where I would
STRONGLY recommend deleting your current config.yml file and letting the plugin generate a new one (sorry!)
Here are the additions and changes in this update:
The placeholders in the messages in the config have been changed to use <> instead of %% - e.g. %amount% is now <amount>. This is because messages are now constructed and sent purely using components instead of strings.
Added two new PlaceholderAPI placeholders; %theosiseconomy_combined_total_balance% and %theosiseconomy_combined_total_balance_formatted%.
Added PreBaltopSortEvent. Plugins can listen for this event and set a list of players who they wish to exclude from /baltop.
Added click and hover events to the output of /economy using MiniMessage in the default config.
Fixed the messages.error.too-small-amount message using the formatted version of the amount instead of the raw argument. Also fixed a typo in the comment for this message in the config.