DailyRewards+ | ⭐ The #1 Daily Rewards Plugin! ⭐ icon

DailyRewards+ | ⭐ The #1 Daily Rewards Plugin! ⭐ -----

Boost your player retention with fully customisable Daily Rewards!

DailyRewards+ V1.3.2 | Update Log
DailyRewards+ | V1.3.2

DailyRewards+ V1.3.2 is another massive update. We've added more features, fixed more bugs, and listened to the communities feedback!

1. Improved in-configuration Custom Model Data: All icon fields within the Config.yml and Rewards.yml file now allow you to specify the custom model data code directly, without having to use /daily edit!
To do this, use the following format: "Material:ModelData"
For example, if you need an apple with custom model data 50, you could use: "APPLE:50"

2. Re-Written SQL Handling: We've completely re-written how we connect and utilise MySQL in our plugin (hence the drastic file size increase).
This update is crucial (especially for small servers) as it increases the stability of the connection when few requests are made as well as improves the overall performance of SQL within DailyRewards+.

3. Adjusted Sound Configurations: You can now specify the pitch and volume of the sound (in new configs) - updating your config for this is non-mandatory. You're more than welcome to use the older system.

4. Increased Reward Reminder Customisability: You can now choose whether the reward reminder message should actually be clickable to bring up the GUI (in new configs) - updating your config for this is non-mandatory. You're more than welcome to use the older system.

5. Added a New PAPI Placeholder: If you choose to update your Messages.yml file (non-mandatory), you'll be able to benefit from our new PAPI placeholder: %daily_remaining_time_compressed%
This placeholder allows you to show the remaining time for a reward in a compressed form (perfect for side scoreboards).
i.e., if a user has "12 Hours, 30 Minutes, 48 Seconds" until their reward, the compressed form would just show "12 Hours"

6. Performance Boosts & Bug Fixes: The plugin has improved in performance and a few reported bugs have been resolved.

Note: As always, new updates can be subject to bugs, my DM's are ALWAYS open, feel free to contact me through one of the following means:

Discord Direct DM: uhFinn#0001
Discord Support Server
Or, feel free to message me through spigot!

----------, Nov 4, 2023
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,886
First Release: Jul 18, 2021
Last Update: Feb 1, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
67 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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