DailyRewards+ | ⭐ The #1 Daily Rewards Plugin! ⭐ icon

DailyRewards+ | ⭐ The #1 Daily Rewards Plugin! ⭐ -----

Boost your player retention with fully customisable Daily Rewards!

New features, bug fixes and more!
DailyRewards+ | V1.2.1

DailyRewards+ V1.2.1 has some new features and fixes some big bugs...
Note: If you are updating to this version from a version older than 1.2.0 you must delete your old config.yml in order for the plugin to run... (If you are updating from V1.2.0 this is not necessary)

1. /daily edit update, the edit command now lets you edit most of the Config.yml file as well!
This means quicker editing, and for icons at the bottom of the config file, you can now set these to the item in your hand ~ That means player head, CustomModelData, and more support!

2. Big bug fix regarding the Config.yml setting RewardAutoClaim, this bug allowed users to automatically claim the next day's reward without waiting until it was available.
I truly apologise if any servers were affected by this bug, it should have never made it through testing and we will be working on more vigorous testing in the future to ensure that something like this does not occur again.

3. Small performance improvements through the /daily edit command

Note: As always, new updates can be subject to bugs, my DM's are ALWAYS open, feel free to contact me through one of the following means:
Discord Direct DM: uhFinn#0001
Discord Support Server
Or, feel free to message me through spigot!
----------, Oct 25, 2022
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,886
First Release: Jul 18, 2021
Last Update: Feb 1, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
67 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings