DailyRewards+ | ⭐ The #1 Daily Rewards Plugin! ⭐ icon

DailyRewards+ | ⭐ The #1 Daily Rewards Plugin! ⭐ -----

Boost your player retention with fully customisable Daily Rewards!

The update you've been waiting for...
DailyRewards+ | V1.2.0

It's finally here... DailyRewards+ V1.2.0 adds tons of requested updates and more... (All Documented Below)
MASSIVE NOTICE: When updating to V1.2.0 you must delete your old Config.yml file in order for the plugin to run, this is due to a large amount of new features, failure to do so will disable the plugin on startup
If you need assistance with the update: Contact details are at the bottom of this update log

1. 1.19 Support - I know, I know, I'm like 10 years late to the party... but DailyRewards+ finally carries full support for V1.19.X

2. Rewards can now be claimed based on when it turns midnight (i.e., you can set it so that the whole server's rewards become available the second it becomes midnight). Please note that midnight is calculated based on where the server is hosted, this may be changeable in future updates but for now, this is the only option.
By default, this is disabled but can be enabled under the config.yml setting ' AvailableOnNewDay'

3. Reward streaks can now be paused, by this, we mean that you can set it in your config so that if a player misses a day, the streak does not reset or skip that day. Instead, the streak will wait there until the player does return
By default, this is disabled but can be enabled under the config.yml setting ' PauseStreakWhenMissed'

4. Support for CustomModelData and custom heads within the DailyRewards+ claiming GUI and chest animations. To do this you must utilise the /daily edit command and on the day you wish click the '[set to item in hand]' button for the icon.

5. Many commands can now be executed via the console, this applies to a limiting extent (i.e., commands that require in-game interaction are not possible)

6. Setting to auto-claim the rewards when the player joins the server.
By default, this is disabled but can be enabled under the config.yml setting ' RewardAutoClaim'

7. Complete overhaul of the internal code managing player rewards and plugin commands, thus file size has been significantly reduced and the plugin made much more efficient. This should also increase the speed of rolling out future updates

8. New Cleaner system that runs on plugin start-up and shut-down, this cleans up the PluginData.yml file and removes any redundant data (allowing the plugin to run quicker when interacted with)

9. New Halloween exclusive daily reward chest animation: ' Lightning' allows you to enjoy Halloween in style with this spooky new addition

And many performance improvements + bug fixes...

Note: As always, new massive updates can be subject to bugs, my DM's are ALWAYS open, feel free to contact me through one of the following means:
Discord Direct DM: uhFinn#0001
Discord Support Server
Or, feel free to message me through spigot!
----------, Oct 22, 2022
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,886
First Release: Jul 18, 2021
Last Update: Feb 1, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
67 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings