DailyRewards+ | V1.1.7
DailyRewards+ V1.1.7 implements some community requested features;
Config (ResetWhenStreakCompleted) setting
This setting allows you to turn off streak resets, configuring your plugin so that if a player misses a day in their streak, instead of resetting it the day will become unclaimable and get skipped over
Note: You will need to delete your config and reload your plugin to gain access to this setting
- /daily setstreak [PlayerName] [Streak] command
This command is perfect for testing out new rewards and boosting other users streaks, Requires the
daily.admin / daily.* / OPERATOR to function
- Bug Fixes & Performance Boosts
Some minor bug fixes and performance boosts have been implemented
Please Note: This update has been vigorously tested before release, however due to the scale of the update and how it has changed the core framework of the plugin I originally set up, there is a small chance I missed things, if you experience ANY bugs whatsoever please let me know either through spigot or in our Discord Support Server