DailyRewards+ | V1.1.6
Ohh its finally time...
DailyRewards+ V1.1.6 adds tons of requested updates and more... (All Documented Below)
1. 1.18 support, since the second of 1.18 spigot jar release I've been bombarded with DM's asking for support, sorry for the delay in the release for this, but its finally here!
2. A few new commands to manage some storage and players;
/daily erasedata all
This command will quite litterally wipe the entirity of your servers DailyRewards+ data (scary stuff), make sure that you only give the people you trust the
daily.admin permission node
/daily erasedata {playerName}
Erases the data for a specific online player, this also requires the
daily.admin permission node
3. Lowercase versions of all the plugin isolated placeholders are now accepted, odd little feature but HEAVILY requested
4. Customisable Player Head (statistics) location in the
/daily menu, once again requested by a ton of people and its finally been added to your config.yml, make sure you delete your old one for this to add, this one wont add itself!
5. Bug Fix 1
Fixed an issue where force breaking the daily chest would cause the hologram above to stay
6. Bug Fix 2
Fixed an issue causing a temporary hologram to appear above the reward chest when opening with the 'PopOut' animation and the config field
FloatingTextAbove was set to false
7. Bug Fix 3
Made a few important tweaks to the
/daily edit command should reduce the amount of issues you run into, this command has always been slightly tempromental as it attempts to update the Rewards.yml file without harming its format and notes at the top
8. And a bunch more bug fixes...
There were a load, and I'd be here all day attempting to explain them but the ones above are most notable/been requested the most
So, Whats there to look forward to now?
LOTS... In the coming weeks/months you can expect to see a load more helpful updates, such as (but not limited to):
MySQL Database Support, More Daily Chest Animations, Custom Player Head Support, ( and lots more, I wont spoil it for you now
Note: As always new massive updates can be subject to bugs, my DM's are ALWAYS open, feel free to contact me through one of the following means:
[email protected]
Discord Direct DM:
Discord Support Server
Or, feel free to message me through spigot!