# __ ___ ____ _ _ __ __ __ # / |/ /_ __/ / /_(_) | / /___ _____/ /___/ / # / /|_/ / / / / / __/ /| | /| / / __ \/ ___/ / __ / # / / / / /_/ / / /_/ / | |/ |/ / /_/ / / / / /_/ / #/_/ /_/\__,_/_/\__/_/ |__/|__/\____/_/ /_/\__,_/ # # Copyright (c) 2022 by Dev7ex # Version: 1.3.0 prefix: '§8
no-permission: '§cIm sorry, but you do not have permission to perform this command. Please contact the server administrators if you believe that is in error.'
player-not-found: '
%prefix% §cThis player cannot be found' only-player-command: '
%prefix% §cThis command can only performed by a player'
# Worlds that should be loaded when the server starts # WARNING: When the world is not registered by MultiWorld the world will not bee loaded # The world has to be imported manually! (Attention choose the correct WorldType) auto-load: []
# Standard values for new worlds defaults:
world: world
difficulty: PEACEFUL
gamemode: SURVIVAL
pvp-enabled: true
spawn-animals: true
spawn-monsters: true
# Settings settings: # Should all players with the permission (multiworld.notify.update) # get a message when entering server receive-update-message: true
# Should the auto-gamemode per world work? auto-gamemode: true
usage: '
%prefix% §cUsage: /world back' world-already-there: '
%prefix%§ §7You are already in this world' world-not-loaded: '
%prefix% §7This world is not longer active' world-not-found: '
%prefix% §7There is no world you can be teleported' clone:
usage: '
%prefix% §cUsage: /world clone <Name> <Clone>' starting: '
%prefix% §7The world §a%world% §7will be cloned..' finished: '
%prefix% §7The world §a%world% §7was successfully cloned!' create:
usage: '
%prefix% §cUsage: /world create <Name> <WorldType | Seed>' starting: '
%prefix% §7The world §a%world% §7is being created...' finished: '
%prefix% §7The world §a%world% §7was successfully created!' delete:
usage: '
%prefix% §cUsage: /world delete <Name>' starting: '
%prefix% §7The world §a%world% §7will be deleted...' finished: '
%prefix% §7The world §a%world% §7has been deleted!' help:
messages: - ''
- '§f§m §r§r
%prefix% §f§m ' - ''
- '§7» §7/world §bback'
- '§7» §7/world §bclone §7<World> <Name>'
- '§7» §7/world §bcreate §7<Name> <WorldType | Seed>'
- '§7» §7/world §bdelete §7<World>'
- '§7» §7/world §bhelp'
- '§7» §7/world §bimport §7<World> <WorldType>'
- '§7» §7/world §binfo §7<World>'
- '§7» §7/world §blist'
- '§7» §7/world §bload §7<World>'
- '§7» §7/world §boptions §7<World> <Option> <Value>'
- '§7» §7/world §breload'
- '§7» §7/world §bteleport §7<Player> <World>'
- '§7» §7/world §bunload §7<World>'
- ''
- '§f§m §r§r
%prefix% §f§m ' - ''
usage: '
%prefix% §cUsage: /world import <Name> <WorldType>' already-imported: '
%prefix% §7Skipped §a%world% §7already imported' starting: '
%prefix% §7Starting import of §a%world%§7...' finished: '
%prefix% §7Finished import of §a%world%§7!' info:
usage: '
%prefix% §cUsage: /world info <Name>' messages: - ''
- '§f§m §r§r §b
%world% §f§m ' - ''
- '§7» Creator: §b
%worldCreator%' - '§7» CreationTime: §b
%creationDate%' - '§7» Loaded: §b
%loaded%' - '§7» WorldType: §b
%worldType%' - '§7» Environment: §b
%environment%' - '§7» Difficulty: §b
%difficulty%' - '§7» Gamemode: §b
%gamemode%' - '§7» PvP: §b
%pvpEnabled%' - ''
- '§f§m §r§r §b
%world% §f§m ' - ''
usage: '
%prefix% §cUsage: /world list' message: '
%prefix% §7Worlds: %worlds%' load:
usage: '
%prefix% §cUsage: /world load <Name>' starting: '
%prefix% §7The world §a%world% §7is loading...' finished: '
%prefix% §7The world §a%world% §7was successfully loaded!' already-loaded: '
%prefix% §7This world is loaded' not-registered: '
%prefix% §7Couldnt load the world §a%world%§7. Use /world import' not-loaded: '
%prefix% §7This world is not loaded!' options:
usage: '
%prefix% §cUsage: /world options <Name> <Option> <Value>' updating: '
%prefix% §7Updating §a%option% §7with value §a%value% §7in §a%world%' value-wrong: '
%prefix% §7The value §a%value% §7is not present' not-available: '
%prefix% §7This world option does not exist' unload:
usage: '
%prefix% §cUsage: /world unload <Name>' starting: '
%prefix% §7Trying to unload the world §a%world%' finished: '
%prefix% §7The World §a%world% §7has been unloaded!' chunk-starting: '
%prefix% §7Trying to unload all chunks...' chunk-finished: '
%prefix% §7All chunks are unloaded' chunk-teleport: '
%prefix% §7This world has been unloaded you will be teleported' reload:
usage: '
%prefix% §cUsage: /world reload' successfully-reloaded: '
%prefix% §7The config was §asuccessfully §7reloaded' teleport:
usage: '
%prefix% §cUsage: /world teleport <Player> <World>' message: '
%prefix% §7Teleporting §a%player% §7to %world%' component-message: '
%prefix% §8[§aTeleport§8]' component-hover-text: '
%prefix% §7Click to teleport' target-already-in-world: '
%prefix% §7Player §a%target% already in this world' sender-already-in-world: '
%prefix% §7You already in this world!' general:
update-message-player: '
%prefix% §7There is a new update available. https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/multiworld.92559/' invalid-input: '
%prefix% §cThis is not a valid value' already-exists: '
%prefix% §7This world already exists!' type-not-available: '
%prefix% §7This world type does not exist' waiting: '
%prefix% §cPlease wait a moment...' cannot-deleted: '
%prefix% §cThis world cannot be deleted!' cannot-unloaded: '
%prefix% §cThis world cannot be unloaded!' not-exists: '
%prefix% §7This world dont exist!' folder-not-exists: '
%prefix% §7World folder %folder% was not found' error-message: '
%prefix% §cAn error has occurred! Contact an Administrator!'