Added WorldGuard support with custom region flags: konquest-claim, konquest-unclaim, konquest-travel-enter, konquest-travel-exit.
Added capture cooldown timer to Ruin territory bars.
Added Ruin Loot chests: any chest inside of a Ruin will spawn random loot from the loot.yml file, and will reset once the Ruin has been captured and the cooldown timer is finished.
Added info GUI menus for Ruin and Sanctuary territories.
Updated info command with extra argument to specify type of object (player, town, ruin, etc).
Added a core.yml option to allow all players to pvp, regardless of kingdom relationship, but still only updates damage/kill stats for enemy players.
Bug Fixes
Fixed internal error in admin claim command.
Fixed bug that prevented the use of non-default (Obsidian) blocks as monument template critical blocks.
Fixed Ruin critical blocks not regenerating on server restart.
Fixed bug that could allow players to put items into loot chests.
Updated naming validation checks to include localized Unicode alphanumeric characters, such as characters from the Chinese or Russian alphabets.
Changed town settle depth check to include water, instead of checking the whole chunk for water.