All chat is sent to DiscordSRV's "global" linked channel.
Kingdom chat is sent to linked channels that match the name of the kingdom (case-sensitive).
Conquered town status messages are sent to the "global" linked channel.
Core config options send town raid alerts as direct messages (core.integration.discordsrv_options.raid_alert_direct) and as mentions to linked kingdom chat channels (core.integration.discordsrv_options.raid_alert_channel).
Minor features
Added core config option to disable Konquest nametag team packets (core.player_nametag_format).
Added PlaceholderAPI support to the Konquest chat message format, You can now include placeholders from other plugins (plus Konquest) in the chat message format.
Added new town shield core config option, core.towns.shield_new_towns, to give newly settled towns a free shield for the given amount of time.
Bug Fixes
Improved town settlement check to correctly evaluate land flatness.
Added town settlement check for containers inside of the monument chunk. Block edits are now allowed in the monument chunk beneath the base of the monument structure, minus the core config option core.towns.settle_checks_depth.
Fixed monument loot to only spawn in chests within the monument structure, and not in chests elsewhere in the monument's chunk.