Konquest icon

Konquest -----

Town claiming and capturing with global kingdoms, resident management and stats/titles

Release 0.8.0 Guilds and Minor Improvements
  • Added kingdom guilds
    • Added new commands, "/k guild" & "/k admin forceguild", and GUI menu.
    • Create a guild for an optional cost, which is a group of players in the same kingdom, including their towns.
    • Guild masters can control who can join their guild, and promote members to guild officers, similar to town residencies.
    • Guild members receive a configurable periodic payment based on total land and population of membership towns, while guild officers and master receive a bonus percentage.
    • Guilds can select a specialization villager profession, which grants a configurable percent discount on all villager trades of that profession within guild town land.
    • Guilds can choose to sanction friendly guilds, which prevents the other guild from using their villager trade discounts.
    • Guilds can agree to an armistice with enemy guilds, which prevents PvP and town damage between the guild members of each guild.
  • Minor improvements
    • Added option for exile teleport to world spawn.
    • Added options to specify relative team colors.
    • Added option for wild travel position offset.
    • Added option for town settlement depth below monument check for air, to allow easier settlement above massive 1.18 caves.
    • Updated message block color formatting, for example, all favor deposit messages will be dark green.
    • Improved name checks, so that no kingdom, town, ruin, guild or player can share the same name.
  • Bug fixes
    • Barbarians now lose their accomplishment prefix upon exile, without having to re-join the server.
----------, Jan 16, 2022
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 15,329
First Release: May 10, 2021
Last Update: Feb 5, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
17 ratings
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