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-Fixed issue loading skills into the GUI with special characters
-Make ValuePlaceholder work, even without Placeholder API
-Fix mana name loading from saved data
-Fix death eent being cancelled causing problems
-Fix issues with particle previews
-Fix cast item swapping
-Fix armor stands not working
-Give more informative descriptions about ArmorStand marker option as it relates to gravity
-Fix cooldown-message always reporting as true
-Fix incompatible skill export
-Fix issue where wrong element is "active"
-Add forcepoints command, "/class forcepoints <player> <up/down/reset> <skill>"
-Add projectile particel previews
-Values are now persistant, instead of loading into memory. This means values will persist through server restarts
-Add placeholder for dynamic dates
-Fix skill damage not using updated amount
-Add WorldTarget to the editor
-Made it so that if you don't specify a class name in the icon lore of the editor it will display the class name by default.