Fabled an RPG Engine by MageMonkey.studio (formerly ProSkillAPI) icon

Fabled an RPG Engine by MageMonkey.studio (formerly ProSkillAPI) -----

Pair this with Divinity to complete your RPG experience!

ProSkillAPI 1.1.10-R0.11
All new updates are for the new editor and will not work in the old editor!

You can access the new editor here: https://editor.travja.dev/

ProSkillAPI Updates
-New Mechanic: You can now use true invisibility in your skills with the option to hide armor (ProtocolLib required to hide armor)

Casting Overhaul
-In the casting section of config.yml you now need to select between ITEM, BARS, or COMBAT for the casting mode.
-Added better descriptions for the different casting modes
-fixed casting items being leftover in the inventory and becoming normal items that you'd be able to drop, etc
-Fixed items in your normal inventory being erased by casting bars in certain situations
-Fixed casting overall breaking upon plugin reload
-Fixed the issue with left/right clicking in Cast Item Mode being backwards

This is only the beginning of the casting overhaul, we have more updates to come!
----------, Sep 6, 2023
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 32,991
First Release: May 1, 2021
Last Update: Nov 15, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
41 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings