Fabled an RPG Engine by MageMonkey.studio (formerly ProSkillAPI)
Pair this with Divinity to complete your RPG experience!
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Version History
+ Cross server support using MySQL confirmed working (settings are in main config)
Custom formula for experience confirmed working (settings are in main config)
You can now set the amount of fire damage per tick with the fire mechanic
You can now set th amount of lightning damage per strike with the lightning mechanic
Fixed a PlayerDeathEvent error
Fixed stackable option for movement speed with the stat mechanic
Fixes issue some users had with increasing attributes
Fixed duration when using movement speed in the stat mechanic
Fixed issue with some blocks not working with the block mechanic
Fixed issue with attributes getting reset when professing to a sub class
Added new option to groups.yml "profess-refund-skills" (set to true or false)
Added new option to groups.yml "profess-refund-attributes" (set to true or false)
Adjusted particles and block mechanics to use relative width instead of absolute width (width is based on casters direction)
Fixed formulas in effects.yml for square, pentagon and hexagon (for previous installs you'll need to update these values, see below)
Added new options for particle effects
Fixed issues with /class options showing the wrong data
Fixed issue with print.err showing up in the console
Fixed issue with duel clicks when using click combos that caused an action to register twice
/class changeclass was reported broken (this is a console command, not meant to be used by players)
Fixed issue with classless players not having the correct health
Fixed issue with attack speed being reduced when joining a class
Fixed issue with ambient particles not turning off when setting ambient to false in the potion mechanic
Fixed issue with the stat speed mechanic that didn't change the movement speed
Fixed issue with PlayerInteractEvent that triggered the cooldown text multiple times
Code (Text):
# Effects.yml adjustments to formulas
# You can replace yours with these
# All new installs of proskillapi will have these values by default
formula: '1/(c+(t*4))'
steps: '5'
copies: '4'
domain: '0.26'
x: '0'
y: '0'
z: '0'
formula: '1/(c+(t*3.4))'
steps: '5'
copies: '5'
domain: '0.2'
x: '0'
y: '0'
z: '0'
formula: '1/(c+(t*2.8))'
steps: '5'
copies: '6'
domain: '0.17'
x: '0'
y: '0'
z: '0'
Jan 2, 2022
View on SpigotMC
Resource Information
Total Downloads:
First Release:
May 1, 2021
Last Update:
Nov 15, 2024
All-Time Rating:
41 ratings
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