This version probably contains enough tweaks to bring the plugin to 1.5 but I feel that after the major changes brought by 1.4 that it wouldn't be particularly consistent to have tweaks fill a complete version.
In the past, you've had to update your configs manually - well not anymore!
If your config.yml or messages.yml is set to config-version: 7, the plugin will automatically add in its default values, ready for you to change. How nice
Please read the first change in the following list
Changes (since 1.4):
- The plugin no longer defaults the rarity colour, you will need to add {rarity_colour} to your messages.yml where you want the colour to appear.
- Added a sell-all button in /emf shop
- Added a value for your fish.yml file: "glowing" which can be true or false
- messages.yml files generated after 1.4.1 now have improved lore for /emf shop icons
- fish.yml files generated after 1.4.1 will have the Swordfish be a stone sword rather than cod
- Added the catch-event alongside eat/interact-event, this is set up exactly the same and fires when the fish is caught
- Fish using a skull as an item will now be saved during a place & break cycle
- Added a world-specific whitelist option for the config.yml
- Command or money rewards will execute even if the player is offline
- Setting the minSize to a value less than 0, the fish will not have a size allocated and won't be able to participate in the largest competition type.
- Like rarities, fish can be more likely to appear than others using a "weight" system that can be accessed by using the "weight: <number>" value in fish.yml, each fish in a rarity must have a weight otherwise the weighted fish will be the only one to appear.
- Fish & rarities can be fished exclusively by those with a permission node "permission: <string>" for either the rarity or fish in their respective config files.
- Added the RANDOM competition type, which chooses a random type of competition.
- Fish can now have the material "AIR"
- Added a "displayname: <string>" value for fish & rarities which lets you override all instances of the name of the fish or rarity.
- The messages for /emf help are now translatable
- The new-first value in messages.yml can now use all the variables associated with fish (i.e. {length} {rarity} {rarity_colour}
- Fixed no-competition-running being accidentally hard coded
- Fixed the bossbar not showing after 2 scheduled competitions
- Re-added functionality for broadcast-only-rods
- Added the Vietnamese translation (credit: TypicalShavonne)
- Fixed that players relogging would sometimes let them rejoin the competition.
- Re-added placeholders (this was a quickly done fix for a user, testing will be done later tonight to sort out a few bugs: if you need the patch files for this they'll also be on the discord server)
- An admin-started competition now bypasses the minimum-players value again
- Competitions using the "times:" to start no longer need a blacklisted-days value.
- Fixed a bug where the MOST_FISH competition type ends as soon as a player fishes a fish.
- Improved the handling of plugin shutdown to prevent the bossbar being stuck.
- Fixed competitions breaking when there were more players in the leaderboard than available rewards.