This update completely updates the whole competition system to add 3 different competition types. There were many changes made in this update regarding the competition system.
If you are updating from v1.3 please read the following carefully: you will need to customize the
new competitions.yml file otherwise its default settings will run, which will likely be undesirable for your server setup.
Added customizable alerts to be sent at certain times during the competition
Added the ability for competitions to have different: start times, duration, type, bossbar and rewards
Added the {pos_colour} variable which returns different, customizable colours bases on the player's position in the leaderboard.
Fixed a rare bug where people would disappear from the leaderboard
Removed /emf rewards.
Code (YAML):
# The message to be sent when a player joins whilst a competition is going on contest-join: "&rA fishing contest for {type} is occurring."
# Shown to players when a new player takes #1 spot, remove this value or set it to "" to disable this message new-first: "&r{player} is now #1" # Should this message appear in chat (false) or above the exp bar (true) action-bar-message: true
# What competition types should the action bar be used for? (recommended: MOST_FISH) action-bar-types: - MOST_FISH
# What should replace the {type} variable for each competition type? competition-types: # MOST_FISH most: "the most fish" # LARGEST_FISH largest: "the largest fish" # SPECIFIC_FISH specific: "{amount} {rarity} {fish}&r"
# The format of the leaderboard after a competition is over (this message doesn't support papi placeholders) leaderboard-largest-fish: "&r#{position} | {pos_colour}{player} &r({rarity} {fish}&r, {length}cm)" leaderboard-most-fish: "&r#{position} | {pos_colour}{player} &r({pos_colour}{amount} &rfish)" # If you're running a competition where there's no leaderboard, this message is sent when there's a winner single-winner: "&r{player} has won the competition for {type}. Congratulations!" # If the player doesn't appear on /emf top, should their position be displayed at the bottom? always-show-pos: true
# Sent when an admin tries to start a competition where the type doesn't exist e.g. /emf admin competition start 600 ABCDEFGH invalid-type: "&rThat isn't a type of competition type, available types: MOST_FISH, LARGEST_FISH, SPECIFIC_FISH"
# Sent to all players at specific times to show the remaining time left # {time_formatted} shows the time (e.g. 5m left, 10m 30s left) # {time_raw} is what you input in competitions.yml time-alert: "&rThere is {time_formatted} left on the competition for {type}" config-version: 7