EvenMoreFish ▪ Extensive fishing plugin ▪ icon

EvenMoreFish ▪ Extensive fishing plugin ▪ -----

A fishing extension bringing an exciting new experience to fishing.

1.4 - Competition Rewrite
This update completely updates the whole competition system to add 3 different competition types. There were many changes made in this update regarding the competition system.

If you are updating from v1.3 please read the following carefully: you will need to customize the new competitions.yml file otherwise its default settings will run, which will likely be undesirable for your server setup.

  • Added 3 different competition types, view them all on the brand new wiki page.[​IMG]
  • Added an option for players to always see their position in the leaderboard.
  • Added a message for when a new player reaches #1 spot in the competition
  • Added a new competitions.yml file (wiki page: competitions.yml)
  • Added customizable alerts to be sent at certain times during the competition
  • Added the ability for competitions to have different: start times, duration, type, bossbar and rewards
  • Added the {pos_colour} variable which returns different, customizable colours bases on the player's position in the leaderboard. [​IMG]
  • Fixed a rare bug where people would disappear from the leaderboard
  • Removed /emf rewards.
Code (YAML):
# The message to be sent when a player joins whilst a competition is going on
: "&rA fishing contest for {type} is occurring."

# Shown to players when a new player takes #1 spot, remove this value or set it to "" to disable this message
: "&r{player} is now #1"
# Should this message appear in chat (false) or above the exp bar (true)
: true
# What competition types should the action bar be used for? (recommended: MOST_FISH)

# What should replace the {type} variable for each competition type?
: "the most fish"
: "the largest fish"
: "{amount} {rarity} {fish}&r"

# The format of the leaderboard after a competition is over (this message doesn't support papi placeholders)
: "&r#{position} | {pos_colour}{player} &r({rarity} {fish}&r, {length}cm)"
: "&r#{position} | {pos_colour}{player} &r({pos_colour}{amount} &rfish)"
# If you're running a competition where there's no leaderboard, this message is sent when there's a winner
: "&r{player} has won the competition for {type}. Congratulations!"
# If the player doesn't appear on /emf top, should their position be displayed at the bottom?
: true
# Sent when an admin tries to start a competition where the type doesn't exist e.g. /emf admin competition start 600 ABCDEFGH
: "&rThat isn't a type of competition type, available types: MOST_FISH, LARGEST_FISH, SPECIFIC_FISH"

# Sent to all players at specific times to show the remaining time left
# {time_formatted} shows the time (e.g. 5m left, 10m 30s left)
# {time_raw} is what you input in competitions.yml
: "&rThere is {time_formatted} left on the competition for {type}"

: 7
----------, Sep 3, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 43,497
First Release: Apr 14, 2021
Last Update: Sep 22, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
130 ratings
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