The lore & item name in Sell GUI can now be modified.
Competitions can have a minimum player requirement to start automatically (admins starting with commands overrides this).
Having an out-of-date config/message.yml file now sends a message to the console.
BStat Metrics have been enabled, to view what data is being sent, visit the bstat page.
Updated the Spigot URL used to check against new versions of the plugin.
To use the changes made to config, you can either regenerate your configs using the new .jar file, or add the following to your pre-existing config files. When updating config-version, be sure to remove the old entry.
Added the following
default options under the "competitions" section:
Code (YAML):
# This is the minimum needed amount of players for an automatic competition to start. minimum-players: 5
The config-version has been updated to
Code (YAML):
# The name found on the selling item in /emf shop sell-gui-name: "&6&lSELL" # The name found on the confirming item in /emf shop confirm-gui-name: "&6&lCONFIRM" # The lore found on the selling/confirmation item in /emf shop sell-gui-lore:
- "&e&lValue: &e${sell-price}" -
"&7LEFT CLICK to sell the fish." -
"&7RIGHT CLICK to cancel."