Item-Effects icon

Item-Effects -----

Add (potion) effects to any item.

Version: 1.2.9
The plugin is very nice for what it's supposed to do, but
On 1.21 the tranfser part of the plugin doesn't work, I input a command like
/itemeffects transfer glowing 1 6 -1
while holding a sword, no message, nothing changes, hitting any mob doesn't apply the effect. Waiting for it to get fixed!

Version: 1.2.8
pls update 1.21.1 pls i have boxpvp server but this plugin not support 1.21.1 pls update pls
Author's response
Hey ahmetttekincci, thanks for your review! We have uploaded a new version with full support for 1.21.X - have fun using our plugin.

We also wish you and everyone else a Happy New Year!

Version: 1.2.5
I reported a bug last year in the 11th month, the developer still hasn't fixed it.

Basically when you have an item with effects in your hand and if you put it on /ah sell or put it on the same slot in /pv, you can use the effect of that item until you exit the server.

Version: 1.2.4
Good plugins 5 star u add a thing like must put in a slot that give u effect (like slot 5 or 7 hotbar), must put holding it to give effect, must put offhand to give effect, can u do it
Author's response
Hey denthui112, we also want to thank you for the great review! - We did not understand your feature request. May you please open a ticket on our discord so you can explain the request in more detail? That would be awesome!! :)

Version: 1.2.4
One of the best plugins on this site. Works very well, it is easy for use and it's a perfect plugin for SMP's, roleplays and more. For me? It's a must-have.

Also the creator is pretty kind and helpful so it's another reason to feel safe with this plugin.
Author's response
Hey Dunte, we are very glad to hear that! Thanks for your aweseome review!! :)

Version: 1.2.2
Excellent plugin 5 stars! Very pleasant and fast support! They need more visibility!
Author's response
Hey Stamberry_, thanks! We really appreciate your great review! Enjoy our plugin :)

Version: 1.2.2
very good, but it would be agragadable if you add a system of probabilities to the effects that is given to hit someone, something like : /itemeffects transfer add <Effect> <Amplifier> <Duration> <Usecount> <Chance>. and also another like using any items(weapon or armor) and allow to use some trigger to activate the effect with the item for the user every certain time, cooldown, and all that. These features I have not seen in any plugin I found so far and it would be interesting if this plugin had these features.
Author's response
Hey josuevh_, thanks for your review! We really appreciate your suggestions! I think, that the first suggestion will be implemented in one of the upcoming version(s). I am not quite sure what we will do with the second feature request. As we have already implemented such a feature in the past, and it did not work quite well. Because of that I am not sure if we give it another try. More information will be provided on our discord and probably on github too. (

Version: 1.2.1
I have to say that in addition to wearing items on hat, when you place items on Item Frame, it will also cause infinite potion effects,please fix it,<3
Author's response
Thanks for letting us know! We have already reacted to the bugreport via GitHub. We also appreciate your review and hope that you enjoy the bugfix. :)

Version: 1.2.1
Perfectly working as it should BUT, i would like a command /itemeffects plusORupgrade <effect> <amplifier> <hide>
Author's response
Thanks for your review! We really appreciate that. We have not implemented it excatly as you have described it, but with the version 1.2.2 you can "modify" effects. (Only hidden effects, not these for the lore)

/itemeffects modify speed 2
-> If the item has a "hidden" speed effect the amplifier will be changed to 2. If the speed effect was not on the item, Nothing will happen.
This allows you to modify items more easily.

We hope you enjoy the new feature!

Version: 1.2.1
skvělý plugin
can be added so that the player does not have to hold the item. so he can have it in the hotbar?

Version: 1.2.0
terrible plugin

very easy to infinity effect glitch when player sell item or wear it on hat or placing them in shulker box/ender chest, this plugin destroy my economy on server.
Author's response
First of all, as written above this section is not a place where bugs should be reported.

You had - like everyone else - the opportunity to report a bug and open a ticket. But you did not even create one. We have never said that the plugin is compatible with every other plugin. Therefore you should run a test-server where you might come across glitches or bugs.

Our supporters and devs are 24/7 available, even on holidays, so we cannot understand your rating at all.

To sum it up: We cannot guarantee compatibility with other plugins. Just open a ticket and tell us for which plugins we should provide compatibility.

Version: 1.2.0
Very courteous Dev, I made a request and lo and behold in no time came the update.

Super friendly and competent, very happy again :)

Sehr zuvorkommender Dev, ich habe eine Anfrage gestellt und siehe da in kürzester Zeit kam schon das Update.

Super Freundlich und kompetent, sehr gerne wieder :)
Author's response
Thank you for this amazing review! We are very glad to get positive feedback like yours!
Danke für die super Bewertung! Wir freuen uns sehr über das positive Feedback!

Version: 1.1.3
one small problem tho,when i add health boost on armor,it resets the extra hearts when i do something like hold another item or add another piece of armor,please fix this or tell me if it can be already disabled or smt.
Author's response
Thanks for your great review! We are already working on this bug for a while. But it is not that easy to fix this issue. We try to fix this bug as soon as possible! There will be a notification on our discord, when the bug is fixed. Thanks for your patience!

Version: 1.1.3
Work in customcrafting already added or not? .
Cool I'm 3,000 people who downloaded the plugin
Author's response
Hello, thanks for your review again!
Currently we are trying out this new freature in a developer version on some test-servers. But there are a lot of improvements before we will publish it. We do not want to receive negative feedback or bad ratings. It is also tricky, to make it available for such a lot of versions. Probably we will publish this feature only for some versions. We try to be as fast as possible! Thanks for your patience.

Version: 1.1.3
Puh man kann viel zu diesem Plugin sagen. Aber was wahrscheinlich am besten beschreibt, ist das Wort "grandios".

Ich habe gemeldet dass das Plugin in de 1.19 nicht mehr funktioniert hatte und schon nach zwei Tagen folgte die erste Testversion. >
Der Support ist sehr nett und zuvorkommend.

Kann dieses nur empfehlen!
Author's response
Vielen Dank, für diese tolle Rückmeldung. Das freut uns sehr, wenn unsere Arbeit geschätzt wird! Viel Spaß mit dem Plugin!!

Version: 1.1.2
It's a great plugin, with amazing support. Simple to understand and is very easy to use.
Author's response
Thanks for your great review! We really appreciate it! :)

Version: 1.1.1
Fine! It remains to add only support for customcrafting !
Author's response
Thanks for this nice review! The customcrafting feature is already in development! But it is very complicated and takes a while until it works smoothly!

Version: 1.1.0
it's a great plugin!
However, when I use it, it is not compatible with the mythicmobs item, and when a player falls into the void, there is a swipe screen when it falls into the void, and mm errors are reported
Hopefully, this will be resolved!!!
Author's response
Thanks for your review! Please do not report bugs in the review section, thanks! Could you please open an issue on our GitHub site?
We need some more information. (Please keep in mind, that we cannot provide full support inatelly for all the other plugins!!)

Version: 1.1.0
100/100 .
Author's response
Thanks for your feedback! We hope you enjoy the new features, if there are any bugs - let us know!

Version: 1.0.9-2
I had a good idea for a plugin, namely the output of effects with a full set of armor! The player will get the desired effect if the armor is fully equipped of the same type!
Author's response
Thanks for your great review we appreciate it! We have commented your suggestion on GitHub:
CustomCrafting will be added in the next update(s).

Version: 1.0.9-2
The best support i've ever had, it's a great plugin, you guys are awesome, keep up the good work!!!
Author's response
Thanks for your great review! We are happy to receive such a positive feedback!

Version: 1.0.8-2
There is a bug that causes the effect to stay above
Leave the item on your head and replace it with another item to keep the effect all the time. I hope to fix this bug
Author's response
Thanks for your review! Please open a support ticket on our discord or create an issue on GitHub
We have to know some more details about the bug.

Version: 1.0.8
Plugin is good, is working good, but if item have lore you can't add effect, please fix this, i need lore with effects, add lore edit for you custom lore. Thx for this, If you add this options i give you 5 stars.
Author's response
Thanks for your review! It is possible to add a custom lore! Just have a look onto our API:
You can create these items for example with
(We are currently working on hiding the "Item-Effects" lines in the lore.) If you have problems, we can help you on our discord:

Version: 1.0.8
Perfect plugin, Devs are a + as well, reported a bug, not even 1 minute they responded, superb support.
Author's response
Thanks for this great review! We have published a version where this bug is fixed! - Thanks for reporting it.

Version: 1.0.7
thank you very much for this great plugin. i love it.
i hope you are going to add hiding the effects on the item feature in the future updates.
Author's response
Thank you for this review! We announced that this feature will be added with the next version: v1.0.8 ("Updates")

Version: 1.0.6
This plugins is pretty good , but i have a bug somehow, where when i put speed 1 for example, it display "speed 2" instead, but except this "+1 level" bug, it work perfectly !
Author's response
Thanks for your review! We are already working on solving this problem, it will be fixed within the next bugfix.

Version: 1.0.6
Hide effect lore if have this
$hide effect_name
Author's response
Thanks for your review! We are already heading forward to this feature! But it may take a bit until it will be released!

Version: 1.0.5
The plugin works perfectly. Thank you to the developer for quick answers and prompt problem solving.
This plugin helps to make interesting items without using inconvenient minecraft attributes.
Author's response
Thanks for your review, we are very pleased!

Version: 1.0.4
This plugin is very easy to use and answer my needs. But, I can't add effect on the head. The effect is granted to me but it does not give to the head. After re-login the effect is gone though. However, great plugin.
Author's response
Thanks for you review! It should be fixed with the update we just posted. If there is any other bug just join our Discord for reporting the bug.

Information: It might happen, that the plugin does not work properly in the creative mode, but the survival mode is working fine! Have fun!

Version: 1.0.1
This is the best Plugin i ever had. I like it so much. :D
Author's response
That is great to hear! Thanks!

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 26,593
First Release: Apr 11, 2021
Last Update: Jan 1, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
30 ratings
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