Econoblocks icon

Econoblocks -----

Give players rewards for mining blocks | 1.8 - 1.21 | Dupe Protection | ItemsAdder Support

Update 2.0.0 | Massive Expansion
Econoblocks Update 2.0.0 is a massive update to how the plugin functions and MANY configurations from 1.0.0 will not work. Back up and update your files accordingly. You may find information and tutorials on the wiki.

Implemented Loot Tables and a New Loot System. This loot system expands on the usual economy drops. The plugin now supports commands, items, custom items, and even potion effects. Loot is now able to have minimum and maximum ranges for drops.

The loot system supports default loot tables for all blocks, including an exclusion feature to rid a block of giving any reward.

Conditionals are also implemented to make loot tables only available in certain conditions.

Added More Hook Support. A lot of hooks have been added and expanded. Plugins that are now supported are Oraxen, MMOItems, DecentHolograms, and more to come.

Built-in holograms and animations have been removed due to the reported issues. To use holograms, you will need a hologram plugin Economobs can hook into.

Changed some commands and added /econoblocks profile <user>. The check command is used to check loot profiles, while profile is used to check a players' multiplier profile.

Permissions have been made less vague and each command has its own permission.

Reworked Messages. The language file now uses proper placeholders, and has a ton of more options to support the new updates. Messages are now more graceful with decimals. PlaceholderAPI support is included and now any player replaced PAPI placeholder may be parsed in the reward message. Econoblocks also now has PAPI placeholders.

Titles are now a message type.

Thank you for waiting for this update. If you encounter any issues, please join the discord.
----------, May 6, 2024
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 3,321
First Release: Apr 10, 2021
Last Update: Jan 10, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
7 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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