Private Mines ⭐ Supports AutoSell ⚡ Supports UltraPrisonCore ⚡Supports Oraxen [1.13- 1.20]  ✅ icon

Private Mines ⭐ Supports AutoSell ⚡ Supports UltraPrisonCore ⚡Supports Oraxen [1.13- 1.20] ✅ -----

Create upgradable private mines for your players to mine in!

Huge Quality of Life Update & Much More!
Wow, it's been a long time since I've been here...

This changelog will more than likely no where near summarize the amount of features I've put into this plugin because I've been working so hard on writing as many updates as I possibly can so please forgive me for not containing everything but feel free to ping me on discord if you want me to explain what I've done in any way.

First of all I'm focusing way more upon using world edit to create and handle mines but I still use redlib to handle a lot of stuff behind the scenes and redlib will not be going away any time soon because I've got so much built around it now.

Now onto the bit you're all interested in... the change logs, I'll put things in caps and bold so you can jump to sections of which you'll be interested in because you're not interested in everything and all this wall of text I've put so enough rambling here we go!


I've rewrote the whole storage section to make sure there's no more vanishing mines and all that, it all uses json so unless you actually delete a json file between reboots then there should never be any issues with the mines vanishing or anything but if you decide to go off and manually edit any of it directly in the file I will take no responsibility if it breaks. If it breaks when you didn't edit anything yourself then I'll be more than happy to help out!


I've worked on the upgrade system to make it work the best I possibly can make it. The speed of upgrading is practically instant. The only time I think you can make it go slightly slow is if the mine is billions of blocks of which would be impossible in my opinion.


This is a feature of which I'm most proud of, this feature is currently in the very early testing phases to the point of I've only got a test message there but you can test out the function before it actually gets pushed as a fully fletched update and I'm sure you'll all enjoy it!


I've been working on making the inventory the best I can, a lot of the buttons are not working, the only ones what are not working are the ones with no lore by default this will come in a very near update I promise. It won't take as long as the other updates to come out.


I think that rounds up this huge update, it comes with so many new cool features I can't wait to see what you all do with it! As usual if you have any questions or you need help please contact me on discord in the support server.

Many thanks,

Kyle :)
----------, Dec 12, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 456
First Release: Apr 17, 2021
Last Update: Jul 1, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
39 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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