This version contains a new version where it handles mine types slightly differently and also has some fixes in, an example of how I handle stuff is as follows:
Code (YAML):
# Type1: - The top will be what it's called.
# file: structure.dat - This is the file of which the mine type will use
# priority: 1 - This is the priority of the mine type (where it goes in the upgrade oder)
# materials: - The list of Materials, follow the order posted here
# STONE: 0.9 - MATERIAL: (0.1 -> 1.0) - Value after the Material is the percent
# COBBLESTONE: 0.1 - Example of a percent is 3.141592653
Please make a ticket if you have any questions.
By the way, this version has some debug messages in of which will help out with making sure everything is ok!