EntityClearer | A ClearLagg Alternative icon

EntityClearer | A ClearLagg Alternative -----

Remove certain entities every x minutes with extreme customization!


Please use the GitHub Issues page to report bugs and join the Discord (under the Silverstone category) for support.

Note: Entity removing plugins are, by nature, not the most viable when it comes to preventing lag. I recommend pairing this with something like FarmControl and optimizing your server settings for a higher chance of preventing lag in the first place.

You might ask, "Why should I use this over something like ClearLagg?"
With EntityClearer, you not only get action bar messages, but also warning sounds, world whitelists, and many other features! Plugins like ClearLagg are generally frowned upon because they clear every entity in the list to help "clear lag", but it oftentimes creates more lag due to entities respawning right back. With EntityClearer, it only removes entities with multiple other entities around it (customizable in the config) so the primary lag causers are removed, thus causing mobs to be less likely to respawn right after being cleared. In addition, EntityClearer is still being actively maintained.


  • Custom interval
  • Custom warning sounds
  • Customizable entity list
  • World whitelist
  • Keep named entities
  • Keep entities with a player riding them
  • Remove entities with certain spawn reasons (requires Paper)
  • Remove only entities with x others nearby
  • Action bar messages
  • Chat messages
  • TPS monitoring
  • MythicMobs support
  • PlaceholderAPI placeholders
  • And more!


PlaceholderAPI Placeholders

Commands & Permissions


Do not use the review section to report bugs/errors/to get support!
But leaving a review would be nice ❤
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 41,156
First Release: Apr 1, 2021
Last Update: Dec 31, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
20 ratings
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