Add time cool downs to redstone inputs (buttons, pressure plates, and levers) to stop your contraptions from being spammed or broken. These cooldowns can be one of 3 types, plot wide, plot wide based on block type, or a specific block.
Made for and requires PlotSquared v6
- Input cooldowns for a whole plot, cooldowns for block types on a plot, or cooldowns for specific blocks.
- Limit the amount of or time of cooldowns through the config.
- Translate or change messages with the lang file.
- Set the minimum plotsquared access level for setting cooldowns to members, trusted, or owners only.
- Bypass your own cooldowns or bypass all restrictions with admin mode.
- Input types: buttons and levers.
ic.user - Allows access to user commands (given by default)
ic.admin - Allows access to admin commands (default for ops)
Types: click, block, plot
/ic remove <type> - remove cooldowns (ic.user)
/ic set <type> <seconds> - set cooldowns (ic.user)
/ic unset - stop setting cooldowns (ic.user)
/ic reset - reset cooldowns (ic.user)
/ic list - list cooldowns on a plot (ic.user)
/ic check - check for a cooldown (ic.user)
/ic bypass - bypass your cooldowns (ic.user)
/ic admin - toggle admin mode (ic.admin)
/ic reload - reload the config and lang file (ic.admin)
/ic debug - toggle debug messages (ic.admin)
Inputcooldown currently only supports the latest version of minecraft.
Config Values:
minimumAccess - Set the minimum access level for modifying cooldowns (Owner/Trusted/Member)
bypassOwnPlot - Always bypass cooldowns on your plot
maxTime - Maximum time in seconds for setting a cooldown
minTime - Minimum time in seconds for setting a cooldown
maxPlotCooldowns - Maximum amount of cooldowns on a plot, set below 0 to disable (Currently only for plot wide block type cooldowns)
adminModeJoinMsg - Toggle if players in admin mode are reminded in chat
disableAdminOnQuit - Toggle whether admin mode should be disabled on logging off
cmdUnset - Toggle if running /ic should clear setting a cooldown
cfgVersion - Config version. DON’T edit.