Economobs now supports
StackMob 5 as it's second stacker plugin.
To use this, set stacker: to STACKMOB in config.yml like so:
stacker: STACKMOB
Economobs now supports
MythicMobs as well. You're now able to set custom values for each of your custom mobs.
This adds a new section to mobs.yml if you have the plugin enabled on your server. The plugin will automatically create this section and add an example mob for you.
If you want to add more to the custom mob list,
you must use the name of the section of your MythicMob, not it's display name.
super_zombie: <- USE THIS
Type: zombie
Display: '&lSuper Zombie&r'
Health: 200
Damage: 14
super_zombie: '100'
If you find any bugs, please let me know in our discord server.