- Removed "BiomeFeatureType": Carvers no longer need Classification to Liquid/Air-Carvers
Changed some Methods to match changes
- Removed the AdvancedBiomeProvider (which was used to add Custom Biomes)
Methods in the AdvancedWorldCreator are now removed and you now need to use the Bukkit-WorldCreator-Methods
Changed some Methods / Classes to match changes
- Changed BiomeProviderCheckerBoard, BiomeProviderDefault, BiomeProviderLines, BiomeProviderMultiNoise, BiomeProviderSingle, BiomeProviderSquares
Biomes created with this API now have the .getBukkitBiome() Method in the CustomBiome-Class and can be added to the Bukkit-BiomeProvider
Biomes added with DataPacks can be added with the Bukkit-BiomeProvider too [to get a DataPack-Biome just use following Registry: org.Bukkit.Registry.BIOME.get(##NamespacedKey##)]
Removed internal "AdvancedCustomWorldChunkManager" which is no longer needed