You can now use this Method with the enum "WorldDecoration" instead of NMS-Values:
advancedcreator.setDecorationBlacklisted(WorldDecoration.RAW_GENERATION, false);
The Methode "setCustomWorldSetting" from the AdvancedCreator-Object now uses the Bukkit "BlockData" instead of the NMS-Value "IBlockData":
You can create your own BlockData with 'Bukkit.createBlockData(Material)'
While creating the CustomDimensionSettings, you have to specify a Bukkit-Tag as Tag for Infinity-Burning-Blocks instead of a MinecraftKey(NMS) and also for the WorldEffects you now have to choose one of the WorldEffects-Enum instead of a MinecraftKey(NMS)
CustomDimensionSettings had switched variables -> doBedWorks and respawnAnchorWorks were switched
Creating a Custom 1.17.1 Overworld with a total Height of 1280 Blocks here: 1.17.1