Changelog: [*] Fixed Custom Chest Rows Size [*] Fixed Kit Enchantments dont work (if the lore isn't in the items) [+] Code Improvements [+] Added Amount Optional path if you want more than 1 item in chests or kits. Example:
[/]For this update you need restart the server two times, the first time to apply new paths, the second time to apply changes. The Amount path is optional, like the enchantment path. [/] Currently i'm working in the 1.0.7, but i created this update because some users are waiting for this feature and i need more time for the 1.0.7 because is a big update, the 1.0.7 is in a different project and this is the why i can create this update. If you want test this version or stay updated with news you can join to my discord.