(Fun Project) PhantomControl
Servers using this plugin:
Was macht es? / What does it do?
RHPhantomControl ist es dir möglich auf dem gesamten Server das Spawnen von Phantomen zu deaktivieren (Weltengebunden). Damit sind deine Spieler nachts wieder ungestört und können ihren Tätigkeiten wieder entspannt nachgehen. Natürlich kann man die Phantome ganz einfach wieder aktivieren.
RHPhantomControl you can deactivate the spawning of phantoms on the entire server (world bound). This means that your players are undisturbed again at night and can go about their activities relaxed again. Of course, you can easily reactivate the phantoms.
Vorschau / Preview
Kompatibilität / Compatibility
Das Plugin ist mit Spigot und Paper ab der Version 1.13.x kompatibel. Die Nutzung der
neuesten Minecraft Version wird dennoch empfohlen!
The plugin is compatible with Spigot and Paper from version 1.13.x. The use of the
latest Minecraft version is still recommended!
- Download the latest .jar and upload it to your Spigot/Paper plugins/ folder
- (Optional) Configure the plugin with the config file /plugins/RHPhantomControl/config.yml
- Do one of the following:
- Restart your server.
- Run the reload command from the server console.
- Type /reload as an op player.
Tip: For manual reloads I recommend the plugin PlugmanX.
- RHPhantomControl.use
- players with this permission are able to toggle the spawning of phantoms with /phantomcontrol
Commands & Aliases
- /phantomcontrol:
- description: Toggles the spawning of phantoms serverwide
- aliases: [rhpc, rhphantomcontrol, pc]
Usage: /phantomcontrol enable/disable/toggle
Konfiguration / Configuration:
This is the default config.yml
Code (YAML):
# #
# Configuration for RHPhantomControl #
# #
# Just replace the default info with your own. :)
# Be careful! Make always sure to put an ' after and before the text!
# Should phantoms be able to spawn?
: false
# Do you want to have sounds, when executing commands?
: true
# This is the plugins chat prefix
# If you don't want to use it, you can just remove %prefix% in the following messages
: '&8
- '&7- - - &8
]&7 - - -'
- ''
- ' &f/phantomcontrol &eenable &8-&7 Enables the spawning of &
- ' &f/phantomcontrol &edisable &8-&7 Disables the spawning of &
- ' &f/phantomcontrol &etoggle &8-&7 Toggle those nasty &
: '
%prefix% E2EFEPhantoms &7are now &cdisabled'
: '
%prefix% E2EFEPhantoms &7are now &aenabled'
: '
%prefix% &cYou don''t have permission'
: '
%prefix% &7That command can only be executed by a player'
: '&cWrong argument.'
: '&cPlease specify an argument.'