Title says it all. Here is an example on how to set them up
Code (YAML):
common_bp: # The name can be anything, but needs to be unique across both backpacks and sacks. size: 9
# The size for a backpack inventory_title: "&aCommon backpack"# The title you get when opening the inventory # These are optional # open_sound: # sound_type: BLOCK_CHEST_OPEN # volume: 1.0 # pitch: 1.0 # listener: PLAYER # This means only the player who opened the backpack # # can hear the sound. Can also be ALL, so everyone hears it # close_sound: # sound_type: BLOCK_CHEST_CLOSE # volume: 1.0 # pitch: 1.0 # listener: PLAYER item:
type: CHEST
# The item used to display it as a backpack name: "&aCommon Backpack"# The item name lore: # The item lore -
"" -
"&8This is a common backpack" - "&8Capacity: &a%slots% slots
" # Optional, this will override the global lists. whitelist: enabled: false # This will toggle off this check. items: # These are the only items which will be allowed - DIRT - IRON_INGOT blacklist: enabled: false items: # These will not be allowed - DIAMOND_SWORD