Commit #60c277 - Bumped API version to 9
Commit #90c225 - Fixed not getting minecraft names correctly
Commit #0a81f8 - Fixed NPC players cannot attack other players
Commit #a08a84 - Fixed errors when entering portals not inside an island
Commit #90c3e3 - Added support for 1.20.2
Commit #7a997a - Added API support for handling with internal aspects and handling of player interactions
Commit #84aa3d - Fixed detection of supported and unsupported versions
Commit #0007d3 - Moved all warp icons to a dedicated class
Commit #5d6446 - Fixed a NPE when changing the slot of a warp category
Commit #b8713c - Fixed loading of worlds when the plugin starts
Commit #c4194c - Added support for Oraxen for custom values for their custom blocks
Commit #2db241 - Added support for ItemsAdder
Commit #570ccf - Fixed errors thrown when loading islands if using custom block keys in generator rates
Commit #d0c159 - Fixed many errors when placing spawners with no entity inside them
Commit #623917 - Fixed issues regarding calculation of unloaded chunks that weren't saved to disk yet
Commit #d5f1fd - Removed support for 1.19-1.19.3
Commit #e89003 - Fixed adding material name to entity limits causing errors
Commit #784634 - Changed settings handler to never be null, similar to the other handles
Commit #6c0c1c - Added check for CustomKey to not have its global key as a valid Material or EntityType
Commit #63bbc7 - Moved all enum related methods to EnumHelper
Commit #7e38d2 - Fixed getting spawner keys may lead to creation of CustomKey from Keys#ofMaterialAndData
Commit #142860 - Optimized finding safe spots logic
Commit #2535a9 - Changed it so ChunksProvider#loadChunk will check first whether the chunk is currently loaded before trying to load it again
Commit #4aed7a - Fixed a ClassCastException when breaking a block that an Hanging Sign is placed on
Commit #941780 - Changed it so entities will not be counted when chunks are unloaded/loaded
Commit #91a2e0 - Fixed chunks with minecarts being kept loaded
Commit #8c444b - Fixed recalculation of block counts not taking into-count minecarts
Commit #4c8fa1 - Added support to multiple enchantments placeholders
Commit #0879fb - Fixed blocks broken by pistons not being tracked correctly
Commit #aa5aeb - Fixed detection of block values that are read from the config files
Commit #a58222 - Fixed disabling explosions on island does not deal damage to players
Commit #3c4f5a - Fixed backwards-compatibility with Key#of() method
Commit #ec7f59 - Fixed KeyMap#removeIf fails if there are custom keys registered
Commit #b53dc6 - Added new PAPI placeholder %superior_island_uuid% to return island UUID
Commit #0f8ff8 - Added methods for the new Key types to the API
Commit #f43d2e - Changed limits in config to be sections instead of lists
Commit #97a1be - Fixed MaterialKeySet throwing errors when using MaterialKeySet#contains
Commit #ecbdc7 - Fixed MaterialKeySet throwing errors when using MaterialKeySet#contains
Commit #0bf6e5 - Optimized usage of Key
Commit #bf2500 - Fixed island chests not saved to DB correctly with MySQL
Commit #81e2a6 - Fixed checking for error message in Vault support even if the transaction was successful
Commit #9d27c0 - Fixed invalid isCompatible method for ChangeSkinHook
Commit #a605b5 - Added check to whether SkinsRestorer is running in Proxy mode
Commit #205d38 - Fixed SSB prevents player portals when the destination worlds are disabled
Commit #c05b23 - Fixed extraRadius in ProtectionListener#preventInteraction not being used
Commit #f52a7f - Added support for SkinsRestorer v15
Commit #ef83d6 - Added support to UltimateStacker3
Commit #870c63 - Merge branch 'dev' of into dev
Commit #02f2ef - Fixed issues when trying to pickup items on the island border
Commit #6ed52f - Fixed incorrect table name when removing custom data from islands
Commit #1bdad0 - Optimized the way inventories are serialized into DB
Commit #480e65 - Fixed cast error when throwing entities into void
Commit #ea0917 - Fixed interact/farm_tramping privileges blocking the ability to fertilize sweet berry bushes
Commit #097618 - Added cache for Bukkit worlds in ChunkPosition
Commit #567530 - Added synchronize blocks on access of openedMenuViews
Commit #464343 - Fixed vehicles in void don't have their block removed from the block counts
Commit #0ef061 - Fixed after disabling coop-members there are still mentions of them in places in the plugin
Commit #e292e8 - Added cache to the toString of keys
Commit #d2a5ee - Changed hash code calculation of keys to be lazy
Commit #a72f44 - Potential optimization for keys
Commit #f13a1a - Fixed entity despawning doesn't check whether the entity can bypass limit, causing incorrect entity counts
Commit #8998ea - Moved checks on whether entity can have limit to be checked before checking islands for potential optimizations
Commit #77ffa6 - Removed the role placeholder from the coops menu by default
Commit #e27fe7 - Added support for chorus plants
Commit #f1f561 - Fixed default farmer missions have incorrect placeholders
Commit #f31b2d - Fixed some plant types has different sapling types than the actual grown block, causing issues with detecting them
Commit #d3e67c - Fixed detection of planting bamboos
Commit #5ea6ec - Fixed default crop types in the farmer missions are invalid
Commit #730a04 - Added use to the KeyBlocksCache in other places in the code
Commit #46f636 - Added some sort of cache for creating Key out of blocks for island calculation for better performance
Commit #452951 - Fixed tnt-minecart still working even when TNT is disabled
Commit #3e5ad1 - Fixed ender dragon fights not working in 1.20
Commit #216793 - Fixed detection of crop types not working correctly in 1.8
Commit #fd5b4b - Added support to clear Slimefun data when chunks are wiped