Commit #2c16c3 - Increased API version to 8
Commit #bd1635 - Fixed default signs not being placed correctly in 1.20
Commit #572b8e - Fixed colors not working with default-signs section
Commit #533c93 - Added minecraft keys mapper to Bukkit names support
Commit #42919a - Added the ability to fetch heads directly from without needing the texture value
Commit #fda6b2 - Fixed having sync worth set without SGP installed causing worth values to be -1
Commit #1add57 - Updated the values menu to include zombified piglins instead of the old zombie pigmans in 1.16+
Commit #dd64c1 - Fixed sounds not working for some menus
Commit #f0c936 - Fixed spawners not being calculated
Commit #4eaaff - Added the ability to use mob drop multiplier that are less than 1
Commit #2ffbf0 - Fixed the ability to dispense buckets of water and lava outside of the island
Commit #ef737d - Fixed errors when having `obsidian-to-lava` feature enabled and using it in non-island worlds
Commit #686ce5 - Added support to 1.20.1
Commit #e179b5 - Optimized chunk calculations
Commit #30834a - Fixed entities not being tracked in the time the entity recalculation is in cooldown
Commit #70af1b - Optimized unnecessary checks to whether the upgrade is enabled when applying effects to all players in the island
Commit #e0b37c - Fixed going between islands in some cases not giving island effects
Commit #71ce83 - Fixed `/is team` exposing when players join/leave even when they are vanished
Commit #e5136f - Added profiler to island calculation
Commit #dd8f48 - Added profiler to chunk loading
Commit #7d937f - Added basic profiler implementation
Commit #b58c88 - Fixed boats not considered as valid entities to limit
Commit #856445 - Fixed block counts being saved when structure grow, bypassing the threshold
Commit #f5c91c - Added the ability to see original stack traces with log messages
Commit #31842f - Removed all instances where slots are treated as 1 slot only
Commit #8b9488 - Fixed upgrades not supporting more than one slot
Commit #5426e9 - Fixed NPE errors when clicking in `/is warp` menu on empty slots
Commit #b48355 - Fixed detection of tile entities in schematics in 1.12
Commit #83fbaa - Revert "Fixed errors about name cannot be null when creating islands"
Commit #ccd348 - Re-added the old constructor of IslandCreationResult
Commit #c82323 - Fixed Island#clearBlockCounts not clearing the currentTotalBlockCounts counter
Commit #4ce19d - Fixed creation of islands fails due to name already exists when disabling name requirement
Commit #8c3281 - Fixed the ability to create two islands with the same name
Commit #0a91db - Fixed errors about name cannot be null when creating islands
Commit #71f819 - Fixed overriding custom island creation algorithms that were registered
Commit #16d02a - Fixed the ability to set world borders with negative size
Commit #5c58c0 - Added configurable block counts save threshold
Commit #1734de - Fixed changing upgrades using does not update crop growth multipliers
Commit #d2d845 - Fixed the ability do color signs in other islands
Commit #a0ea09 - Changed the block updates counter to be per-island instead of global one, potentially decreasing the amount of updates that are sent to the DB
Commit #fa3d99 - Changed ShopGUIPlus hook to be handled by ShopsBridge
Commit #0a6f00 - Fixed removal of vehicles not detected by the plugin
Commit #85a2ba - Fixed tab complete includes disabled commands
Commit #e8c0fb - Fixed latest Oraxen versions throwing errors
Commit #d7119e - Fixed islands last-time-update is saved to DB when the islands are considered active
Commit #9b3d1d - Fixed last time update of islands is not saved correctly to DB
Commit #3b448e - Fixed mobs burn from sun below schematics blocks even when lights-update is enabled
Commit #b5a71b - Fixed incorrectly counting entities when loading the entire island
Commit #ee17ee - Fixed incorrectly using collection types causing lag
Commit #4a7620 - Potential fix for errors when getting block limits
Commit #c183c9 - Recoded and optimized the missions core code
Commit #d7b2cd - Removed unused file
Commit #f491a5 - Fixed missions not having all their classes loaded due to the way missions are loaded
Commit #b3e8e9 - Fixed another NoSuchMethodError when using 1.19.4 Spigot
Commit #6d113b - Increased the delay of forcing prices loading
Commit #340d29 - Fixed a dupe glitch involving crops and beds
Commit #377d12 - Fixed a NoSuchMethodError thrown when using 1.19.4 spigot
Commit #3b5ad9 - Potential fix for island top not sorted out correctly
Commit #8c97cb - Changed the time the plugin forces to load prices to be done a second after the server was enabled instead of the first player that joins
Commit #3e734d - Fixed not detecting growth of berry sweet bush
Commit #c255b7 - Fixed the ability to take books out of lecterns on other islands
Commit #836677 - Fixed cancelling the BlockUnstackEvent not actually cancelling the original event