Commit #f500d9 - Fixed entities only checked if they are in the center chunk of the island
Commit #48e035 - Added `ANIMAL_SHEAR` as a permission for coop players by default
Commit #3212e2 - Fixed all places where deleting warps breaking any sign instead of only warp signs
Commit #26ef48 - Fixed completed missions not merged correctly when updating players
Commit #6a3632 - Fixed persistent data is not merged correctly when updating players
Commit #814ecb - Removed untracking of entities when chunks are loaded as it's unnecessary
Commit #d96ae8 - Fixed detection of removal of generator rates, warp limits and more
Commit #a18bbf - Fixed detection of sign warps when deleting them
Commit #81bc8d - Changed handle access from private to protected in all the delegate classes
Commit #b7e478 - Fixed islands in other worlds are not detected correctly
Commit #8dd384 - Changed DirtyChunksContainer to not call Island#getCenter
Commit #181186 - Reverted IslandPosition not requiring world names
Commit #38b9cb - Removed call to Island#getCenter when adding islands to cache
Commit #3e72c5 - Fixed database bridge is not in IDLE mode when creating an island
Commit #79332a - Fixed crop growth not working in 1.17
Commit #0d8d70 - Fixed mob counts reset when chunks unload while in recalculate cooldown
Commit #2b67ec - Changed it so when adding new islands to the container it doesn't require their world to be loaded at that time
Commit #c12e3c - Removed the requirement of IslandPosition to be associated with a world
Commit #79a95e - Removed the requirement of IslandPosition to be associated with a world
Commit #83e5c4 - Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/dev' into dev
Commit #3e1888 - Fixed IslandJoinEvent not called when using `/is admin join`, as well as added a cause to the event
Commit #f3cca4 - Fix world must be an island exception
Commit #18b25b - Potential optimization for positions hashing
Commit #b00b53 - Added PluginLoadDataEvent
Commit #2b519f - [SKIP-CI] Renamed Log#warn of files to Log#warnFromFile to not confuse between the two
Commit #563212 - Added a warning message when the world is small due to misconfigure of max-world-size in
Commit #ebcc66 - Added LazyWorldsProvider used for getting info about worlds without loading them
Commit #0649d4 - Fixed default sign lines not working in 1.17+
Commit #4b2514 - Fixed schematics not placed in 1.12 spigot
Commit #09aaae - Fixed chunks getting loaded again after chunk is unloaded
Commit #e133e5 - Optimized calculation of hash code for island positions
Commit #d8a253 - Fixed debug message of SET_BONUS_LEVEL showing incorrect method name
Commit #7a69da - Fixed custom database bridges not registered correctly
Commit #8145e9 - Changed factories to not be null and instead have instances for default factories
Commit #78b42d - Changed it so it's possible to register null factories
Commit #47611b - Fixed the ability to have border sizes larger than the max-island-size
Commit #48293f - Added more information when setting center of an island which is not valid
Commit #4bcb22 - Changed `/is members` and `/is visitors` to be commands of their own
Commit #9b856f - Fixed banned players not teleported to spawn when they join the server inside an island they are banned from
Commit #ca72ad - Fixed banning people not working
Commit #b2a18c - Fixed incorrect check of whether chunks are inside the island or not
Commit #8da6fb - Fixed incorrect logging of errors in some places within the plugin
Commit #c34499 - Moved the chunks tracker into the Island object
Commit #fbfb08 - Fixed newly created islands don't have their island chest properly initialized
Commit #2898ed - Fixed incorrect lookups of island members
Commit #c24b2c - Fixed incorrect lookups of warps by their locations
Commit #c733f5 - Fixed islands might have the default world not marked as generated
Commit #c11e4c - Fixed issues with syncing generator rates from upgrades
Commit #fc21b7 - Changed islands to not have IDLE database mode when created automatically
Commit #f10901 - Fixed default world not registered as a generated schematic world, making block calculates to not work
Commit #73670e - Potential fix for schematics in the other worlds not placed in the islands-height configured
Commit #265f91 - Fixed mob spawners converting into pigs in 1.16.5 when using Airplane
Commit #40df51 - Fixed an error when initializing the NashornEngine of the plugin with lower versions of Java
Commit #953b9f - Changed the way the plugin debug and logs messages
Commit #870994 - Added warning messages when marking chunks as dirty and the calculation is wrong
Commit #1fb8f9 - Fixed a NPE when creating a SuperiorPlayer object for a player that doesn't exist
Commit #5a2d42 - Fixed a NPE when creating warps
Commit #3ec2d5 - Fixed errors when loading islands from database
Commit #76d059 - Changed the create island message to be sent only after teleporting to the island
Commit #e9d40c - Fixed incorrect lookup of islands within the SWarpCategory object
Commit #ac2145 - Fixed errors when creating new islands
Commit #2cfa85 - Added getters to the builders as well