Commit #c4d7a4 - Changed API version to 4
Commit #059593 - Fixed an issue with serializing of blocks when tracking them
Commit #8b2b5f - Fixed converting of player data of missions not working correctly
Commit #805d9c - Added the ability to create island and superiorplayer objects from the FactoriesManager
Commit #ca7d25 - Fixed missions tracked data only being saved when server stops
Commit #efc8fb - Removed obfuscated nms in favor of mojang-mappings jars
Commit #5f8d72 - Fixed island role weights are not forced to be incremental
Commit #0875b1 - Changed database connections to be done through one thread only instead of multiple for better synchronization between the calls
Commit #c5b6f1 - Changed unlocked values of WorldsProvider to return true only if the world is also enabled
Commit #3e73cf - Fixed unexpected errors may cause creation process to never finish
Commit #1d74f8 - Removed entity counts recalculated when creating new islands
Commit #f2b3b5 - Added AttemptPlayerSendMessageEvent event that is fired when attempting to send a message to a player
Commit #17824f - Changed it so when failing to retrieve mappings for a version the plugin continues to work instead of failure
Commit #939efc - Fixed a missing field error when using WindSpigot in 1.8.8
Commit #7cf402 - Potential optimization for detection of spawn area
Commit #d0c817 - Fixed an error caused when tileEntityList is not a valid field
Commit #2a56be - Increased delay of serializing block counts so SGP can load its shops
Commit #30ecea - Fixed downgrading level of an island causing some custom values to reset
Commit #3da549 - Added IslandEnterPortalEvent that is fired when a player enters a portal in an island.
Commit #efc171 - Fixed modules that are not loaded correctly still stays "enabled"
Commit #4f3199 - Potential optimization for too many chunks getting loaded when recalculating entities for islands
Commit #b6e648 - Fixed downgrading upgrades causing custom changes of island values to be reset
Commit #e4c7d3 - Optimized detection of whether the player is inside his own island
Commit #523e1a - Fixed tab completes of expel command showing hidden players regardless of the tab-complete hide vanished settings
Commit #eef1fe - Fixed players chat-listeners not removed when leaving the server
Commit #038e82 - Fixed loading of jars not using the plugin's ClassLoader causing issues when these jars try to load classes
Commit #38f28e - Fixed a potential NPE when using custom schematics from other plugins
Commit #7bd626 - Fixed incorrect detection of invalid island when joining the server
Commit #6482d6 - Separated errors when module file does not exist and when it's not valid
Commit #b63455 - Fixed an error thrown when trying to load an invalid module
Commit #a8acfb - Added listener to BlockDestroyEvent when using Paper
Commit #26e889 - Optimized detection if a location is inside the spawn island
Commit #bc074e - Optimized crops multiplier upgrade causing lag when trying to fetch the crop growth multiplier of islands
Commit #1befe0 - Removed support for PostgreSQL as it cannot work with the current stage of the plugin
Commit #b8dd6f - Added %superior_island_permission_role_% placeholder that will return the required role for a permission
Commit #eb850d - Fixed island home not saved when island is created, making the rotation reset
Commit #f8f656 - Added the ability to disable visitors sign from being a requirement to visit islands
Commit #084c8f - Fixed support for 1.19 (Untested)
Commit #3ca4c4 - Fixed getBiome method loading chunks synchronized
Commit #c7735a - Changed default biome detection for worlds to be globally
Commit #b8fa21 - Fixed incorrect detection logged water blocks
Commit #fff47d - Fixed island-top-order not ignoring case sensitive
Commit #a9d02d - Added `/is admin data` to interact with persistent data of players or islands
Commit #e12281 - Changed mappings checking to be done against a remote server instead of hardcoded values
Commit #afc295 - Fixed spawners turn into pigs when having spawner rates enabled
Commit #fdd11c - Fixed errors when listening to spawners