⚡️ SuperiorSkyblock2 ⚡️ The best core on market! ⚡️ 1.21.3 Support! icon

⚡️ SuperiorSkyblock2 ⚡️ The best core on market! ⚡️ 1.21.3 Support! -----

Optimized, features packed skyblock core.

v1.10.1 - Oraxen support, messages api, bug fixes and more!
Commit #fa7b2d - Added border-color argument to the /is border command
Commit #7b3130 - Added the ability to disable commands through the config file
Commit #53ceea - Added support for messages within the API
Commit #b7e2f3 - Added support for Oraxen with generators
Commit #2e354d - Added the ability to store persistent data for islands and players
Commit #de6d72 - Separated data file into different files for each mission individually
Commit #bcb271 - Disabled unloading of the worlds manually due to lag
Commit #e3af8c - Fixed crops growing from sky
Commit #dfd3f4 - Added the ability to disable built-in hooks
Commit #e38329 - Added API null check to prevent plugin from loading when this happens
Commit #402f94 - Optimized tracking of blocks
Commit #4ebd49 - Fixed some factory methods do not have original object parameter
Commit #5f7706 - Removed old data handlers from API
Commit #51cd44 - Added check for chunks loading to not load more chunks after plugin was disabled
Commit #b6a281 - Fixed array out of bounds error when having modified spigot jars with custom environments
Commit #68e3a4 - Added getter for the island creation algorithm
Commit #c2ae29 - Fixed errors when getting position placeholder for a player without an island
Commit #23577a - Change the behavior of permissions changing through menu
Commit #eeaaa2 - Fixed island flags registered by other plugins may sometime fail to load from settings menu file
Commit #85854b - Potentially fixes a warning about "No layers in MapLike" when islands world is loaded
Commit #0bc9ea - Added empty parameter check for converting old islands
Commit #1652dc - Added missions completed placeholder for specific category
Commit #80481d - Fixed generate event not checking for new blocks set in the event
Commit #00a0de - Added IslandGenerateBlockEvent
Commit #9f0d80 - Fixed the ability to create an instance of SuperiorskyblockAPI
Commit #9778ae - Reverted the placeholder output for "Yes" and "No" from check-mark
Commit #4c7a06 - Added informative message for bypass island restrictions for players that has the permission to use the bypass command
Commit #afba5e - Fixed fishing missions working on thrown items instead of only items retrieved from water
Commit #ad8f64 - Fixed an error caused when converting database
Commit #a32ddb - Fixed temporary players have ProtocolLib packet listener enabled for them
Commit #0ab853 - Fixed detection of warp names in delwarp command
Commit #4bec7a - Fixed visitors' blocked-commands filters ran on the entire message instead of only command label
Commit #14ebd2 - Potential fix for placeholders not parsed to consoles
----------, May 21, 2022
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 73,730
First Release: Jan 3, 2021
Last Update: Nov 23, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
128 ratings
Version -----
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