⚡️ SuperiorSkyblock2 ⚡️ The best core on market! ⚡️ 1.21.3 Support! icon

⚡️ SuperiorSkyblock2 ⚡️ The best core on market! ⚡️ 1.21.3 Support! -----

Optimized, features packed skyblock core.

v1.10.0 - Bossbars, new api events, sounds and plenty more features!
Commit #afdc7b - Added bossbar for messages
Commit #0a424b - Added the ability to change the way members are sorted in top islands
Commit #ce02e1 - Added the ability to add leather armor pieces that are colored to menus
Commit #930394 - Added display role names
Commit #4bbd57 - Added sound component to messages
Commit #5a1c68 - Added auto-uncoop feature for coop players
Commit #a08faf - Removed the limitation of alphabetic letters for warp names and categories
Commit #b3e9ce - Added the ability to use colors within island chat
Commit #751aa8 - Added new API events
Commit #470a99 - Fixed errors when spawning entities from schematics
Commit #79f93f - Fixed errors thrown on the schematic callback completely ignored
Commit #f14387 - Fixed 1 block offset in detection of protected island range
Commit #48775b - Fixed error thrown when running Spigot 1.16.5
Commit #cbbd34 - Suppressed schematic warnings for incorrect version matching in non-legacy versions
Commit #5ed336 - Fixed default nether biome not parsed correctly in 1.16+
Commit #adfe78 - Potential optimization for calling handleBlockPlace in loop causing a bit of lag
Commit #427010 - Potential fix for basalt generators generating overworld rates instead of nether ones
Commit #d052ba - Fixed stacked blocks not registered correctly
Commit #25ac27 - Potential optimization for checking if a location is inside an island
Commit #b5ae8c - Added more messages on plugin disable to better understand which tasks are disabled
Commit #204bf7 - Fixed stacked block items taken from entire inventory instead of only held item
Commit #ebb236 - Potential optimization to permissions lookups in bukkit
Commit #84de2b - Added support for more inventory types for menus (droppers/dispensers, furnaces and brewings)
Commit #33d811 - Fixed blocks-placement can be replicate with infinite amount of blocks
Commit #cc172d - Fixed issues with detection of similar stacked blocks and the place item
Commit #458be2 - Fixed errors regarding index out of bounds with EnumerateMap
Commit #583e40 - Fixed errors when using ProtocolLib due to TemporaryPlayer
Commit #9fde03 - Fixed cast errors when using custom world generators
Commit #685c9b - Added the ability to add "source" field for items, so items will be parsed from this source-path
Commit #2efc8d - Added placeholders for upgrade buttons
Commit #9ce6de - Fixed errors when using entity limit placeholders
Commit #45a13f - Fixed entities being removed from the world when islands are created / disbanded
Commit #bfbbcc - Fixed generators working even when lava-flow is disabled
Commit #a66cc2 - Added more methods to the SuperiorSkyblockAPI class
Commit #edfa25 - Fixed dragon fights in 1.12+
Commit #1ddede - Added boolean placeholder for default "Yes" and "No"
Commit #2cb142 - Fixed changing default lang to English
Commit #627631 - Fixed null errors when saving progress of farming missions
Commit #819228 - Fixed default warp-categories menu using the format of paged menus even when it's not one
Commit #09429d - Fixed creating builder for patterns not updating rows correctly
Commit #474876 - Updated mission jar with null checks
Commit #584197 - Fixed holograms of stacked blocks being checked for entity limits
Commit #151cef - Fixed detection of bank limits
Commit #3d56f2 - Reduced the amount of times chunks are loaded due to entity counting
Commit #38aed2 - Fixed the plugin recalculating entities when entity limits is disabled
Commit #23b421 - Added chunk load reason for debug messages
Commit #64c0c8 - Fixed null issues when creating data for players for missions
Commit #f8140a - Fixed detection of bank limits with bank interest not being correct
Commit #fc14b5 - Potentially fixes NPE when getting block key for counts
Commit #61005f - Fixed going through portals when worlds are disabled still trying to paste schematics in these worlds
Commit #5a64bd - Fixed errors when plugin starts up
Commit #6f8abf - Added KeySet and KeyMap to API as well as reduced usage of KeyImpl as much as possible
Commit #b1c0ad - Added "0" as a block-data to blocks that are calculated to fix issues when registering custom key parsers directly for them
Commit #3e92ac - Fixed errors when using ShopGUIPlus v1.73
Commit #12c0d8 - Fixed saving of decimals in remote sql servers not working correctly
Commit #2a2d0d - Fixed colorizing messages with a length of 1 is not working properly
Commit #b704c8 - Added a check for empty components
Commit #7ebb0e - Fixed errors when protocollib's listener is handling packets
Commit #7657a9 - Added better detection for blocks being broken and placed for missions
Commit #cdfae3 - Fixed detection of crops when they grow for block limits
Commit #fb81f8 - Fixed crops not detected as blocks that were placed when they grow
Commit #830a02 - Fixed dragon fights throwing errors in 1.18
Commit #102ea7 - Fixed teleporting to schematics not detecting blocks correctly after they were placed
Commit #871af5 - Fixed admin teleport not working if there are no safe blocks in the world
Commit #352c9d - Fixed detection of disabled worlds using `/is admin teleport`
Commit #3a0685 - Added services to the API
Commit #036cde - Removed usage of the Strings class
Commit #b61c3c - Fixed teleporting safe to blocks not working for warps
Commit #ae36c3 - Fixed null issues when translating colors
Commit #d2e6b3 - Changed message components to be coded in oop style
Commit #a453c9 - Fixed issues with detection of safe blocks
Commit #0da33f - Fixed the ability to click islands in the top menu even if they are no longer in the menu (whether because they are now ignored or got disbanded)
Commit #9b1057 - Fixed ignoring and un-ignoring islands not updating top islands menu
Commit #265661 - Changed `/is admin recalc` to not recalculate all islands by default
Commit #cc7f33 - Fixed shutdown task causing errors
Commit #10a483 - Fixed when downloading new nashorn engine the old one stays
Commit #e34e97 - Added configurable list of safe blocks that players can teleport to
----------, Apr 30, 2022
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 73,730
First Release: Jan 3, 2021
Last Update: Nov 23, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
128 ratings
Version -----
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