⚡️ SuperiorSkyblock2 ⚡️ The best core on market! ⚡️ 1.21.3 Support! icon

⚡️ SuperiorSkyblock2 ⚡️ The best core on market! ⚡️ 1.21.3 Support! -----

Optimized, features packed skyblock core.

v1.9.0 - Support for 1.18.2, optimizations, bug fixes and more!
Commit #c2b41d - Fixed getHighestBlockYAt can return y level below the min height limit
Commit #ef79f9 - Fixed invalid methods in 1.18.2 when using Spigot
Commit #7f99f3 - Fixed incorrect nms mapping for item stacks in 1.18.2
Commit #111917 - Added support for CoreProtect API up to v9
Commit #4da987 - Added auto-detection for changing language "on the fly" using ProtocolLib
Commit #1aec8d - Added automatic detection of player languages
Commit #a35ad2 - Fixed worlds unloaded before modules causing invalid world errors
Commit #94befd - Added entities tracker
Commit #38195f - Fixed issues with NPE when running plugin
Commit #031f30 - Added support for placeholders for statistics missions
Commit #ff2820 - Optimized checks of materials by enum names instead of actually using enums
Commit #3a8e7b - Optimized checks of materials by enum names instead of actually using enums
Commit #755f42 - Fix safe teleportation not adjusting y level correctly for slabs
Commit #23da11 - Fixed incorrect detection of solid blocks when teleporting safely players
Commit #039009 - Fixed admin teleport not checking for safe blocks
Commit #8319cd - Fixed safe teleportation to other dimensions that are not the default one not working
Commit #2969ba - Fixed issue of removal of entities async
Commit #a4886a - Fixed the ability to unleash entities even without the required privilege
Commit #91a7e8 - Fixed holograms not spawning due to afk spawning mobs prevention
Commit #2efc7c - Fixed detection of block types for stacked blocks
Commit #272602 - Potential fix for bank interest exceeding bank limits
Commit #ce03a4 - Added support for 1.18.2
Commit #3880a9 - Removed support for 1.15
Commit #13a215 - Fixed self player top island counts as a paged object causing some islands to not be seen in top islands menu
Commit #513566 - Fixed menu commands with one argument not parsed correctly
Commit #644176 - Fixed top islands are not updated according to the sorting types after changing them
Commit #f32b9b - Fixed potential crashes when modules throw errors
Commit #5c42b4 - Added permission to bypass command cooldowns
Commit #464bc1 - Fixed infinite opening and closing of menus when using commands to open menus inside menus
Commit #962b95 - Fixed running sub commands inside menus without arguments
Commit #04e0cf - Fixed errors when loading custom menus
Commit #ee529a - Added generateBlock method to the API
Commit #381d54 - Fixed visitors count placeholder including vanished players
Commit #e1b4b1 - Added a check for invalid rows contents for island chests from database
Commit #5bc8b3 - Added restriction for invalid default island chest sizes
Commit #b48606 - Added better comment for default-size of island-chests
Commit #02fec2 - Fixed concurrect issues when saving dirty chunks
Commit #8d505c - Fixed errors when loading data from invalid worlds
Commit #6143b7 - Fixed placed blocks are not tracked correctly causing only-natural-blocks to not work
Commit #c864b8 - Fixed parsing of island flag placeholders
Commit #f2ae00 - Added rating amount placeholder
Commit #609c5c - Added the ability to use placeholders on top islands
Commit #a34bce - Fixed farming missions converting melon and pumpkin stems to actual crops
Commit #3a02a7 - Fixed casting issues with converting item stacks to nbt in 1.18
Commit #e8ade2 - Fixed click sounds not working in the settings menu
Commit #94112f - Changed all methods of giving items to inventory to drop items on ground when it's full
Commit #262c84 - Disabled the ability to wax stacked copper blocks
Commit #f446b4 - Moved getMaterialSafe method to another class
Commit #b4d6cc - Fixed player missions not being loaded
Commit #659ec2 - Added support for the loadData method for builtin modules
Commit #8f2945 - Added SuperiorSkyblock as a parameter for loadData
Commit #b74401 - Added loadData callback method for modules
Commit #63ab53 - Reverted NORMAL module load time to be before the data loading times
Commit #70fa05 - Added PluginInitializedEvent
Commit #34d40c - Fixed self-player item in the top islands menu
Commit #46bfef - Fixed NPE when mission items are null
Commit #ad46fd - Fixed missions menu not opening
Commit #6050e9 - Changed NORMAL load time to load after data is loaded
Commit #6c8144 - Fixed template items editable builders are not actually editing the item itself
Commit #c6affa - Fixed island chests not loaded from database correctly
Commit #cb5b2b - Fixed primary key for island upgrades table not being removed correctly
Commit #49e15a - Sort islands when server starts for the first time
Commit #af5c3c - Fixed top placeholders not returning the correct values
Commit #be6e02 - Fixed generators not working in 1.8.8
Commit #d69cb2 - Fixed weird behaviors of the plugin when having Turkish as the system's language
Commit #991f57 - Fixed deposit method not using the correct economy provider
Commit #a8d42a - Fixed an error with committing transactions in MySQL
Commit #92dbfe - Fixed errors caused by schematics going out of bounds in the world
Commit #9493a3 - Fixed a warning of registering the listener of the island effects upgrade type in legacy versions
Commit #6d8fe6 - Fixed islands_upgrades table have primary key, causing only one upgrade to be saved per island
Commit #f24d27 - Fixed an error with invalid sound when using 1.8.8
Commit #bb8369 - Removed the required-permission sections from all default menu files
Commit #c881a5 - Changed all item menus to use TemplateItem for safe-accessing ItemBuilder objects instead of directly accessing them
Commit #6f99c9 - Fixed top island buttons not having their island leaders skins applied to them
Commit #b3652a - Fixed a null issue when having invalid item rewards in missions
Commit #4efe01 - Fixed plugin not loaded due to cached big decimals
Commit #04a171 - Fixed errors when converting island levels to worth values as well as optimizing it
Commit #450633 - Optimized sorting of islands in the sorted registry to not do anything when there aren't at least two islands in cache
Commit #0c90b0 - Changed the plugin's instance inside the API to be set using a method and not reflection
Commit #a9c766 - Fixed teleport command not including "normal" as a valid argument
Commit #85b859 - Fixed spawn command having a fixed "player-name" argument
Commit #3f8a6e - Fixed modules with AFTER_HANDLERS_LOADING not loaded upon enabling the server
Commit #ba0c31 - Fixed potential null issues
Commit #3b7ee6 - Potential fix for too long data packets with menus
Commit #2c802f - Fixed placement missions not working when blocks-replace is disabled
----------, Mar 12, 2022
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 73,730
First Release: Jan 3, 2021
Last Update: Nov 23, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
128 ratings
Version -----
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