Added /is admin tp command.
Added support for EpicSpawners 7 and its custom spawners.
Added fail messages for island bank transactions.
Added support for recent versions of Slimefun.
Added schematics offsets for nether and end worlds.
Added support for RoesStacker's stacked blocks.
Added island dragon fights in the end (beta, might have bugs)
Added custom costs for upgrades - check out the wiki page for more information.
Added /is admin cmdall - command to execute another command for each island member.
Added json serialization for data in the database for easier interactions and future changes.
Optimized the way island worlds are checked.
Optimized calculation of bank worth rate.
Patched a dupe glitch involving WildStacker.
Fixed a bug when having spawn in a SWM world not considered loaded.
Fixed default schematics don't have lights saved in them.
Fixed issues with loading the plugin in 1.16.5.
Fixed errors with the resetworld command.
Fixed different decimal separators not detected correctly.
Fixed invalid items in top island sending warnings for the biomes menu instead.
Fixed portal teleportation is called more than once in some particular situations causing lag.
Fixed the ability to create warps and warp categories with no names.
Fixed custom checks for missions not checked when displaying the missions on the menu.
Fixed detection of completed missions on the menus.
Fixed stacked blocks disabled-worlds list not working.
Fixed opening the island missions menu without an island causing errors.
Fixed blocks being ignited even when fire-spread is disabled.
Fixed world difficulty must be upper-cased to work.
Fixed players not immuned to portal teleportations when they move between worlds.
Fixed disband-refund not working properly.
Fixed a NPE when calling the SuperiorPlayer#isInsideIsland method.
Fixed hanging blocks not considered broken when their supportive blocks are broken.
Fixed the ability to break hangings with projectiles.
Fixed back buttons in some menus not working.
Fixed schematics not saving non-living entities (item frames, crystals, etc)
Fixed island borders not visually updated to players.
Fixed island previews not cancelled on server shutdown.
Fixed issues with UTF-8 chars not saved in MySQL correctly.
Fixed entities not getting removed from the world when chunks are reset.