Commit #43c004 - Do not use CraftMagicNumbers to get data version in 1.21+
Commit #46c105 - Fix support to ExcellentShop 4.11 (#256)
Commit #e8fa34 - Adds support to 1.21.3
Commit #d1cf41 - Optimized decompression of nbt items (#258)
Commit #d31b80 - Potential optimization to decompression of nbt items in 1.21 (#258)
Commit #791174 - Load chests data on startup and not when chunks are loading (#257)
Commit #e9fbdf - Fixed suction range is off by one block (#252)
Commit #b7a3ae - try-catch all errors when loading chests from config
Commit #5b56c9 - Fixed null errors when setting some recipes to crafters (#249)