This build requires A NEW VERSION OF vilib v1.1.0 or higher to work. ✨
Important notes!
❗ This build requires a new vilib version.
❗ All translations have changed. Default values are now in the config.
Language-specific translations can now be done by copying the locales/en.yml file and changing it.
❗ All permissions have been changed.
Check the wiki to view the new list.
❗ The /witp command is no longer valid - use /ip or /parkour.
❗ The folder name has been changed from plugins/WITP to plugins/IP.
✔ Added new locale system
✔ Added new menu structure
✔ Added per-language scoreboards
✔ Added Adventure text parsing
✔ Added a bunch of new permissions
✔ Added player management menu
✔ Added new hotbar items
✔ Added separate option for sounds and particles
✔ Added joining cooldowns
➰ Changed folder and plugin name from WITP to IP
➰ Changed command from WITP to IP
➰ Several API changes
➰ Updated commands to match new menu structure
➰ This update is so big, I forgot most of the fixes!
v4.0.1 Patchnotes
✔ Added pitch/yaw customization for go-back location
➰ Fixed MySQL being unusable
➰ Fixed disabling default/enabled options for items in config
➰ Fixed crash detector to not use crashed worlds
➰ Updated locale files