A tag minigame for your server!
The game lets you right click other players to pass the tag along. Reset the game at any time simply by using /mctag restart and it will randomly choose a new player! Players can also opt out and back into the game.
Note, this plugin requires
/mctag it - Displays who is the current tagged player
/mctag optin - Opts the player into tag, default true
/mctag join - Same as optin above
/mctag optout - Opts the player out of tag
/mctag leave - Same as optout above
/mctag start - Begins the tag game, picking a random player
/mctag restart - Restarts the tag game, picking a random player
/mctag reload - Reloads the config file
/mctag [playername] - Tags a specified player
Permissions: - Default true to everyone but can be set to false if you want
mctag.start - Start command
mctag.restart - Restart command
mctag.reload - Reload config command - Using /mctag playername to tag a specific player
Need support? Want something added?
Join my discord server and I will gladly help you!
Scoreboards can be turned on and off in the config file.
true = On
false = Off
This plugin is basically complete as is. If you want new features please let me know!!!