DI LitebansLogs icon

DI LitebansLogs -----

Store moderation logs on a Discord channel.

DI LitebansLogs

This plugin is used to store your server's moderation actions from LiteBans plugin (kick, ban, mute, warn) in a Discord channel. This plugin is a Discord Integration Project module ( https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/discord-integration-project.86876/).



How messages are configured

This plugin gives you the freedom to save the logs as the owner wants, so you must take the following into account:

A message consists of different parts: Title, description, color ... So here I leave the available settings (i'll put kick message example).

Code (Text):
Title: embed_kick_title: 'content'.
Description: embed_kick_description: 'content'.
Color: embed_kick_color: '#hexadecimal_color'.
Timestamp: embed_kick_timestamp: true/false.

A cell must contain yes or yes the following three fields:

Code (Text):
embed_kick_field_1_title: 'TITLE'
embed_kick_field_1_desc: 'DESC'
embed_kick_field_1_inline: true/false
To add more cells, you just have to change the number to another. It must go from 1 to a maximum of 9.

You can decide which one you want to put, the only mandatory cell is the color one.


  1. Add the core plugin DICore and read how to install it (https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/discord-integration-project.86876/) and LiteBans plugin.
  2. Complete the configuration file located in the DICore/DILitebansLogs folder.
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 426
First Release: Dec 19, 2020
Last Update: Aug 1, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
1 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings