⭐ FallBack Server ⭐ | 1.7-1.21.X | icon

⭐ FallBack Server ⭐ | 1.7-1.21.X | -----

Players are precious, why lose them?

WARNING (1): You can now use the latest version of LimboAPI, it will work.
WARNING (2): This is a BETA, used by me for collecting feedbacks and bugs, for anything just open a ticket.
WARNING (3): The wiki has been updated with the new configuration and known bugs, please look after it.
WARNING (4): Since the config got so many changes, is recommended a full reset (all files)
WARNING (5): Commands, such as /fs create, add, remove are disabled for the upcoming stable
WARNING (6): The new version require the latest version of BungeeCord / Velocity available

I'll use two asterisk to indicate both BungeeCord and Velocity.
Again, reset your config files, for a better experience.
  • (NEW) Chat and commands are now working in LimboAPI.
  • (NEW) Ping logic: (DEFAULT, SOCKET) [**]
  • (NEW) You can now use the addon on a PHYSICAL RECONNECT SERVER [**] (Velocity will use the Limbo)
  • (NEW) New Titles mode! (STATIC, NORMAL, PULSE <- coolest one) [**]
  • (NEW) Yes you heard it right, join balancing is now possible [**]
  • (NEW) Clear chat on server switch [**]
  • (NEW) The most important feature, grouping is now available [**]
  • (NEW) Already in hub title [**]
  • (FIX) Velocity API and much more has been updated for improvements. [**]
  • (FIX) Titles are now working with placeholders on Velocity
  • (FIX) Many errors are now fixed [**]
  • (FIX) Many changes under the hood, code and config cleanup, new comments, optimizations and more [**]
  • (FIX) Fixed BungeeCord Tab Complete in 1.13+ clients.
----------, Oct 5, 2024
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 14,266
First Release: Dec 4, 2020
Last Update: Oct 5, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
58 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings