Fixes, features and more..
UPDATE 3.2.0-Beta2
WARNING (1): Please use the provided LimboAPI jar (inside our Discord) for Velocity (NOT for BungeeCord)
WARNING (2): The plugin is still in BETA, DON'T use reviews to report bugs, join our Discord server and open a ticket.
WARNING (3): Config reset SHOULDN'T BE NEEDED, but will better to do that.
WARNING (4): Please read the wiki before reporting any bug, every section contains the answer for your question for sure.
I'll use the asterisk to indicate both BungeeCord and Velocity.
- (NEW) /fs status | /fs servers sub-commands [*]
- (NEW) Possibility to use HEX colors [*]
- (NEW) Auto config updater [*]
- (NEW) Add tehe opportunity to clear tablist on reconnect [*]
- (FIX) Many errors got fixed, especially on BungeeCord version [*]
- (FIX) Major optimization with BungeeCord code
- (FIX) Worked on Velocity version to synchronize with BungeeCord
- (UPDATE) The new addon got a total REVAMP, many new features are now added.
- Many other changes from Beta-1 that I actually forgot.