Tons of new features/fixes. Click to read!
- Archon Crates - Roulette menu type based key crate.
- Performance Optimizations - No longer messes with chat when using the plugin's reload function.
- Reload Function - Improvement
- Language Folder Fix - Fixes the language folder in multicraft
- Wrong Key Message - Added a new configurable message to the file.
- Right Click KeyCrates/Roulettes - Doesn't allow players to open these chests or furnaces if they are a keycrate type.
- Key Locations Load Fix - Fix for the failure to load key crates.
- Support for &
- Mystery Crates - Allows for a max/min now.
- Two Effects - "mobspawner flames", "fireworks". Removed a few experimental effects that were part of v1.1.3.
- %Chance% - Display Variable is parse-able via name/lore.
- /cr hardreload - Attempt to fix KeyCrates not loading. This attempts to force load the KeyCrates.
- No Duplicate Rewards Variable! - Remove duplicate rewards. Add a noduplicate) to your reward line and that will prevent it from executing twice.
- HardReload - Reloads everything. Fix where it reset the config.
- Supply Crates - Fixed the adjustment.
- Reward Parser - Allows spaces inbetween comma. Ignore the Wiki!
- Fixed Prefix - The prefix is now fixed.
- Other changes include enchantments/display tags however they are not documented.
A few features are kept for premium to it fair to the buyers.
CS:GO, Effects, Sounds, Pushback.