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Rewardable Activities -----

Reward players upon performing certain activities

If you like Rewardable Activities and believe it is a nice addition to your server and made it better or you just appreciate my work, consider donating or leaving a positive review below. It really means a lot!


Rewardable Activities is a lightweight and an easy to use plugin that will let your reward players when they do certain activities. Consider this plugin a replacement for other similar plugins that are harder to configure or impact your server performance harder.


- Rewarding players when they break a block - since 1.0.0.
- Rewarding players whey they place a block - since 1.1.0.
- Rewarding players whey they kill an entity - since 1.2.0.
- Rewarding players whey they breed an entity - since 1.3.0.
- Entity breed ownership check (not rewarding players when they kill an entity that was bred by a player) - since 1.4.0.
- Block break ownership check (not rewarding players when they break a block that was placed by a player) - since 1.5.0.
- Multiple rewards per group - since 1.6.0.
- Entity spawner ownership check (not rewarding players when they kill an entity that was spawned by a spawner) - since 1.7.0.
- Rewarding players when they fish an item - since 1.8.0.
- Block place ownership check (not rewarding players when they place a block in a place where there was already a block broken by a player) - since 1.8.2.

Useful links

If you found a bug or issue, have an idea that you would love to be implemented, or have a problem while using the plugin, create an issue on the project's issue tracker. Be sure to report everything you consider relevant when reporting bugs and issues.

There is a chance that a version fixing your particular bug or issue was already released so make sure you are running the latest version of Rewardable Activities before seeking support.

For server operators

Download Rewardable Activities from the link above and install it in the plugins folder. Detailed usage information are in the configuration file (make sure to check and modify that configuration to your liking).


- Server version 1.8+.
- Java 8+ prior to 1.8.6, Java 21+ since 1.8.6.
- Vault 1.7+ - only required if you wish to give players economy.
- Vault supported economy plugin - only required if you wish to give players economy.
- PlaceholderAPI 2.11.6+ - only required if you wish to use placeholders in reward commands.
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,179
First Release: Nov 24, 2020
Last Update: Nov 6, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
7 ratings
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